Already dying more in Europe, an analyst expects a new record on Tuesday


Tihomir Bezlov is convinced that gyms will reach hospital beds

Bulgaria became the black champion of the European Union in mortality from COVID-19, surpassing previous leaders Belgium and the Czech Republic. This is demonstrated by data from the European Center for Disease Control.

On average, during the last 7 days, mortality in Bulgaria is 15 deaths from coronavirus per million inhabitants per day, according to data from the European center.

“Mortality from an infection is a composite indicator that combines the level of transmission of the infection, the level of morbidity and the level of mortality from it. This is a really sad and depressing record.

The Reporta

failed in


at each of these three levels. A failure in our ability to control and stop infection, a failure in our ability to make high-risk groups the least infected, and a failure to treat the sick and keep them alive. That’s it. There’s nothing more to say, “said Dr. Peter Markov, an epidemiologist and professor at the London School of Tropical Diseases.

Worldwide, Bulgaria ranked second in terms of mortality per 1 million inhabitants, according to data from the site. The statistics are based on data from Saturday, when Bulgaria announced 129 deaths per day. That means 18.6 deaths from the infection per 1 million inhabitants. Globally, according to this indicator, only North Macedonia ranks ahead of Bulgaria, where the death rate is 18.8 per 1 million inhabitants.

New record for


It was reported in the week of November 14-21 with 729 deaths. Last week was also a record 459 deaths, according to analyst Tihomir Bezlov.

“You can predict that the number of deaths will continue to rise, given the number of people in the intensive care unit at the moment and that deaths are delayed by 3-5 weeks compared to the number of new diagnoses,” Bezlov said. Still reports

decline in business in


cases against

to diagnose

with COVID-19: 8.62 percent last week compared to 9.58% seven days earlier.

“The problem is that the number of new diagnoses is so high that the number of deaths is likely to continue to rise. I think Tuesday’s data will show a new record for deaths,” predicts Bezlov.

However, the growth rate of new coronavirus diagnoses in Bulgaria has slowed down, last week’s analysis shows.

23,262 were the new cases of coronavirus in Bulgaria, discovered in the week of November 14 to 21, compared to 22,950 cases the previous one. This is an increase of 1.4% compared to 6% the previous week, explains his analysis Tihomir Bezlov. Two weeks ago the growth was 41.6 percent and three weeks ago it was 80.8%.

However, the percentage diagnosed in terms of the number of tests performed continues to rise to 40.1% from 37.9% the week before and 30.3% two weeks earlier, Bezlov said in his analysis.

“The problem that remains is that

in PCR

tests again

your number is

smaller than



They are 58,036 compared to 60,633 last week and 71,318 two weeks before, “added the analyst.

This decrease may be due to people’s desire to do the first of the rapid antigen tests, because they are 3-4 times cheaper than PCR tests, so they do not enter the official statistics, Bezlov admits.

This new approach, introduced by the Ministry of Health at hospital triage points, could lead to a higher proportion of positive PCR tests. They were visited by more people with already positive antigens and thus the chances of positive PCR increased.

The problem is that even if we have reached a “ceiling” of 4,000 new cases per day, this is a very high number for Bulgaria (in its demographics) and hospitals will not be able to handle the new serious cases. Consequently, it will lead to the opening of sports halls and other public buildings in places with all serious consequences, “said Tihomir Bezlov.

2,279 were recently diagnosed with coronavirus infection on Sunday morning. 39.7% of the 5729 PCR tests performed were positive. Thus, the number of active cases increased to 82,125. 1,364 cures and 42 deaths were announced.

A young man died after wandering through the hospitals of Burgas, no one takes responsibility

His first test was negative, but two positives followed

A 36-year-old man from Obzor with double pneumonia, but the first negative test for coronavirus, died after almost 10 hours of wandering around Burgas hospitals. The tragedy with Kalin Karapachev took place on November 18, when his condition deteriorated drastically. Until then, for about a week, Kalin, who works in Obzor municipality, was treated at his home. After she began to suffocate, her mother, Ganka Karapachova, called an ambulance, but she was delayed and Kalin was taken to Burgas in a private car.

The man began to turn blue from shortness of breath and was taken to the GP.

My son

I was breathing hard

They gave him an injection of urbazone and provided him with documents for a photo of his lungs, said mother Ginka. The X-ray showed bilateral bronchopneumonia, after which Kalin and his mother went to the emergency room of the University Hospital of Burgas. There they measured the saturation, but when they discovered that he had tested negative for coronavirus, they referred him to the Lung Hospital. However, there was not a single free bed, because a large part is occupied by COVID patients, explained its boss, Dr. Ivelina Troshanova. After several hours of procrastination, the 36-year-old was admitted to Burgasmed University Hospital. But he died that night.

None of the hospitals blamed the young man’s death.

“For more than 4 hours, a team from the UMHAT-Burgas Emergency Service, together with a resuscitator and an intensive care unit, have been doing everything possible to keep the patient in hospital. This happened in the last hours of November 18, with the assistance of the RHI. We do not categorically accept the accusation of blaming the hospital doctors and looking for scapegoats among them, ”they announced from UMBAL-Burgas on November 22. Kalin had been referred to Lung Hospital because

only there



that are not COVID.

After the Pulmonary Hospital refused to admit him, at around 8:30 p.m. that night Kalin was again transferred to the University Hospital of Burgas, already with severe respiratory failure. An antigen test at the site showed a positive result for the coronavirus. The PCR, also positive, continued, but the result came when Kalin was already dead.

In the emergency room, the man was switched to oxygen and consulted by a resuscitation specialist, who recommended that he be admitted to intensive care. There was not a single intensive care unit in UMBAL-Burgas and RHI was asked to find another hospital, so the man arrived in Burgasmed late at night. Do not look for scapegoats among the doctors, called from UMBAL-Burgas.

However, Kalin’s family is convinced that his wandering between hospitals is the cause of the fatal end.

A 15-year-old boy among the victims.

Fourth death in Plovdiv after wandering through hospitals

A 15-year-old boy was declared dead from coronavirus in the last 24 hours. According to the Unified Information Portal, there are 42 victims, of which 14 are without concomitant diseases.

The boy is from Ruse and was treated at Kanev Hospital. Medical supervision immediately began an inspection. According to information from “24 Chasa”, the boy had a serious concomitant illness.

Among the dead are several other people under the age of 60, for some of them there is no evidence of concomitant diseases.

Another patient died after wandering around Plovdiv hospitals. The tragic case of Yordan Nedev, 70, of Stamboliyski, was announced by his son Nikolay in an open letter to the media.

On November 12, his father, who suffered from heart disease and sleep apnea, was transferred in critical condition by the Emergency Department first to St. George Hospital. From there he was redirected for admission to the Plovdiv Hospital.

However, the former District Hospital refused to hospitalize him despite the documents, shortness of breath, and low oxygen saturation. And they took the man home. The next day, the relatives again called an ambulance, which took Jordan to the “St. Georgi” University Hospital. There, this time he was diagnosed with coronavirus and again referred to the Plovdiv Hospital. the ambulance, his relatives took him to the “St. Ivan Rilski ”, where he died. Earlier this week, scandals erupted with three coronavirus-infected patients at St. George Hospital, who died after careless treatment by doctors. Two of them were forced to wait outside for a long time and stranded on the stairs helpless.
