Virologist: There will be a third wave of COVID-19, but then we could be №1 in mortality – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


Two of the vaccines published preliminary results showing efficacy. They show no side effects or toxicity. They are safe and there is such data. However, its effectiveness will continue to be tested. This was stated on the air of Nova TV by Cambridge virologist Dr. Vladislava Petrova.

“Health workers and front-line people will get vaccinated first,” he said.

“There are different ways in which a country provides vaccines. On the one hand, there are agreements between two countries, on the other hand, it can be through the EU,” Petrova explained.

“People at risk will be given priority. They are about 20% of the population and they will be vaccinated first. It is not clear how long this will happen. There are high ambitions for this to happen by the middle of next year,” he added. said the virologist.

He also commented on the WHO forecast for the third wave of K-19 in early 2021:

“It depends on what the measures will be in our country and how we will observe them. If we continue to do the same or nothing, we cannot expect things to change. We must be disciplined, consistent and responsible. This is a team game and there is no way man to solve the problem by yourself. ” Otherwise, he says, we could become the first in terms of mortality in the EU.

“In this case, it is an absolutely natural process to have a third wave, because nothing has changed. There will be waves until there are serious long-term measures that people can follow or there is no vaccine. It all depends on how seriously we are able to take the situation, “said the doctor.

“Herd immunity exists as a concept, but this is not the key to escaping this pandemic. It is important to have a vaccine. The herd immunity strategy is being used incorrectly right now, so many people will die. This theory is possible. when a vaccine already exists. ” and some people are not vaccinated. Now such an assertion of herd immunity is dangerous, “Petrova said.

“The influenza virus is the only one in which the vaccine is monitored every year based on the circulating strains. In the case of covid, a strategy can be initiated to observe the mutation of the virus each year and adapt a vaccine for it they can easily change, “he said.

Sofia, Bulgaria
