Hematologist explained why there are so many deaths COVID-19 in Bulgaria – Bulgaria ᐉ News • latest news and current information


Remdesivir is a very good drug, it only needs to be used in combination with another. For example, with blood plasma it gives very good results. Remdesivir is used extremely incorrectly in Bulgaria. It should be used when there is a virus in the human body, the first 6 days. In more severe patients, the virus may be present until day 20, but this must be demonstrated. Otherwise, you take a drug from which you only get its side effects. From his words it was clear that Remdesivir was only recommended at first. This was stated by the hematologist Dr. Chavdar Botev, consultant for the National Organization of Patients, in “The day begins with Georgi Lyubenov.”

“The Minister of Health faces a great responsibility. He must present experts.” Azithromycin with chloroquine according to the protocol for severe lung damage is 80%, for Dermectin it is 40% and we have chosen 80%, a mortality higher, “he said.

When asked why the World Health Organization excluded Remdesivir from the fight against coronavirus, the hematologist said it was a response to the United States’ decision to stop funding WHO. Remdesivir is an American drug.

According to him, the high mortality from COVID-19 in Bulgaria is due to the fact that many of the scientifically proven facts have not yet reached our country.

Dr. Botev explained that the preparation “Ivermectin” cures more than 20 types of viral diseases and a large number of parasites. According to him, its effectiveness has really been proven in Israel. This drug is consumed by 4 billion people.

“We do not have it registered in Bulgaria. The executive drug agency must act faster,” he said, adding that this drug reduces the amount of virus 99.97 times in 48 hours. Ivermectin can also be taken for prophylactic purposes and in combination for therapeutic purposes. It gives very good results in combination with Doxycycline, explained the specialist.

The hematologist emphasized that with the wrong vaccine, there may be a high rise in autoimmune diseases.

Sofia, Bulgaria
