Harris, Kamala’s husband, cut a salary of $ 1 million to help her


“I’m too old to play or hide the ball. I like you a lot and I want to know if something can happen between us.”

This is what Douglas Emhov wrote in 2013 to his future wife Kamala Harris, who will become the first female vice president of the United States early next year. The two met a few hours ago at a dinner hosted by a mutual friend. The next day, at dawn, Douglas sends a message to Kamala with all their days off for the next few months they can meet, and the above explanation. At this time

he is 49 years old,

divorced later

16 years of marriage

and with two children

Although a bit shocking, his frankness is very nice to the determined lawyer, and in less than a year the two are now inseparable and married. And if today Harris is writing history as the first woman of color, with roots in Jamaica and India, to rise so high in American politics, Emhov is not far behind.

He plans to play an active role as the vice president’s husband, something that has never happened. To that end, he will abandon his 30-year career as a high-ranking attorney, which generates about a million dollars a year, and will focus on the public causes identified by the presidential administration. These were originally done by the previous vice-presidents’ halves, but are primarily the first lady’s job. However, President-elect Joe Biden’s wife, Jill, wants to keep her teaching job, which automatically makes room for incumbent Emhov.

We’ve been waiting for that gender swap for decades, says Kim Nulder, a political science professor at the University of California, who has been studying equality between men and women for years. According to her, there is a lot of symbolism in Emhov’s decision to withdraw from his fast-paced career to help his wife. He himself commented in a pre-election interview that he wants to have more women in electoral office and more partners, whatever they are, to support them and create opportunities and an environment for them to be successful. Something that turns out that he did with special dedication throughout the electoral campaign.

When Kamala runs for the White House, her husband says goodbye to the lobbying company he works for. In this way, you not only block the possibility of being accused of pursuing the interests of your clients, but you can also help them. They travel together to electoral events. The

save notes for

the questions that

lift people up

She is extremely active on social media, where she is almost as popular as she is. Emhov becomes especially recognizable when, in one of the meetings, he jumps up to protect Kamala from a protester who grabs her microphone as she speaks.

He befriends halves of other Democratic candidates. Among them is Chaston, the husband of Pete Bootage, who had an ambition to become the first American president to be openly gay. “He’s always full of puns and he’s really disarming. People want to talk to him and take pictures. He loves his wife and thinks it’s going to be great politics,” Chaston said.

Minnesota Sen. Amy Clobushar’s husband John Besler calls Emh a modern man because he is dedicated to his wife’s political career, not his own.

Barbara Perry, who leads presidential research at the University of Virginia, believes that Emhov’s decision is the first step towards real equality between husbands in politics and a great social challenge, as we are not used to men leaving. their careers for the sake of their wives or families. and her future role is influenced by a female presence in all previous residents of the White House. And indeed, along with the hundreds of flattering messages on social media about his decision, there were those who thought Douglas was simply not ambitious enough and therefore used his wife’s political career to “retire” at 56. years.

But people who know him well say that this is not true of him. Emhov is calm and confident in his new role.

Often use words

like an alien,

wonderful wonderful

It’s called the cool image Kamala met, and during the campaign she often wore T-shirts asking to be voted on. He has yet to choose how to address him in the White House, although Joe Biden already calls him the second gentleman.

On the night of the election victory, Harris herself posted a photo of him with the caption “Meet the love of my life.” The two are often filmed hugging and kissing, and it is said that there is an odd chemistry between them.

They were born in one

and the same year

They graduated in law, but while Kamala is a lawyer from California, Douglas is a lawyer in the state’s entertainment business. When they become a couple, he encourages her to fight for a Senate seat. Even their first public appearance together was during their speech about the harm of missing school. “This is not a romantic date, according to many people,” Harris wrote in his biography. In it, he admits that even the marriage proposal did not go well due to his constant commitments. It came at a time when he was looking for his favorite pants for a party and was trying to order Thai food for dinner. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Emhov tells her, to which she replies:

“Is very pretty,

dear but chicken

be the main

or shrimp. “

Only then does he see that he has fallen to his knees and wants his hand.

They were married in 2014, including the rituals of their Indian and Jewish roots in the ceremony. Among the guests are Douglas’s first wife and their two adult children. For everyone, it was love at first sight, says their 26-year-old son Kohl in a magazine interview months ago. He and his sister Ella choose to call Kamala “Momala” because they don’t like her stepmother. Her mother Kerstin has a friendly relationship with her and even gets involved in helping with the election campaign through her production company.

Kamala and Douglas do not have children of their own. In her biography, The Truths We Keep, she talks about the critical observation she was subjected to as a 40-year-old woman, and the hesitancy to allow men to get too close to her and go public with her relationships with them. Something that changed quickly after Douglas Emhov appeared in her life, who not only supported her glamorous career, but also became a very important part of her.
