What foods cause headaches – 24chasa.bg


Avoid blue cheese, hot dogs, and red wine to avoid headaches. PHOTO: PIXABY

In case of migraine, abandon histamine-rich products

METERNoses regularly suffer from headaches and the causes can vary. Pain is also of a different kind. Sometimes they are due to an overload of the shoulders, neck, head and jaws.

In other cases, the cause is migraine, a throbbing pain that begins in one part of the neck and can spread to the entire head. Symptoms of this terrible headache include blurred vision and nausea, writes the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.

Pain can also occur for other reasons, such as the change of season, atmospheric pressure, intolerance to certain foods and irregular sleep, explains the nutritionist of the Institute “Mediterranean Restaurant” Sandra Baker to the publication.

“When you have a headache regularly, you should find the cause and consult a doctor. If the pain is mild or moderate, a change in diet should improve your condition, explains the specialist. She advises her patients

as a first step

eat them all

three hours

When we do not eat for a long time, the level of glucose in the blood decreases and this can lead to headaches. Eating frequently, on the other hand, reduces the heaviness in the stomach, because that way we eat less, adds Baker. Among other therapies, he points out regular exercise and good sleep. But above all, you must give up the consumption of some products.

Blue cheese

Dairy products in general and specially mold-fermented cheeses such as roquefort and gorgonzola cause headaches in some people. They contain high amounts of histamine, a derivative of the essential amino acid histadine, which is involved in various physiological functions of the body. Deficiency of the hormone diamine oxidase (DAO), which breaks down histamine, can cause high concentrations of this substance in the blood and has a vasodilator effect. To get rid of headaches or significantly relieve them, avoid products rich in histamine, which cause fatigue and tiredness.

Citric fruits

Citrus plants are rich in histamine, so in case of headache it is advisable to limit them. “We often eat citrus fruits in winter, but their vasodilatory properties cause headaches,” says the nutritionist. Therefore, he recommends not to overdo it with oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, but to emphasize useful vegetables and fruits for headaches. Artichokes, for example, activate bile production and improve liver function, while pineapple is rich in magnesium, which also prevents headaches.

A coffee

According to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, three or more caffeinated drinks a day can cause headaches in patients with episodic migraines. But quitting caffeine altogether can have the same effect. “Headaches are often the result of a reduction in the daily dose of caffeine, so it is a good idea to find out exactly what causes them before stopping or increasing coffee consumption,” says Spanish nutritionist Álvaro Sánchez. According to a study from the Diamond Headak Clinic in Chicago, caffeine can be as effective against headaches as some pain relievers. But the effect is short-lived: it lasts from 45 minutes to an hour and a half.


Although avocados, like olive oil and walnuts, are good for the heart because of their fatty acids, people who suffer from headaches should avoid them because of their high histamine content. Eggplant, spinach, tomato, bell pepper, beans are healthy foods, but they are also rich in histamine. In case of headache, the emphasis may be on apples, pears, mangoes, lettuce, cucumbers, onions, zucchini, zucchini.

Red wine

It contains higher amounts of histamine and you should stop completely for migraines. In fact, all alcoholic beverages are contraindicated. “Apart from the presence of histamine, alcohol lowers blood sugar and causes hypoglycemia,” explains Dr. Sánchez. And Sandra Bakera points out that it is good to drink a lot of water, since dehydration causes headaches. “Drink water, even when you’re not thirsty, and eat moisturizing foods like tomatoes and watermelons,” he says.


Most of them contain not only histamine, but also low-quality saturated fat, which the WHO associates with an increased risk of some cancers. Therefore, the World Health Organization recommends avoiding raw smoked sausages and processed meats. At the same time, they make digestion difficult, which also has a negative effect on headaches and lowers the tone.

To get rid of headaches, follow a regular sleep regimen. Try to have dinner at the same time and eat something light, at night do not drink caffeine and other tonic drinks, writes “La Vanguardia”.

Give up

low carb

subsistence allowance

which can cause headaches. They are an ideal option for those who want to lose weight and strengthen their muscles, but they must be observed for some time and under the supervision of a specialist. They shouldn’t start suddenly and without investigation, because they will bring you a migraine, says Dr. Baker. – This is caused by the sudden removal of hydrocarbons from the body. Hypoglycemia occurs and a sudden change in blood glucose levels causes headaches ”.

Álvaro Sánchez recalls that carbohydrates are contained in fruit and should be consumed in moderation to maintain a stable blood sugar level.
