It got scary: the flu is here – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


Along with the increasing cases of COVID-19 and influenza patients in our country are increasing. During the last week, a total of 27,077 cases of acute infectious diseases were registered against 24,421 cases in the previous week. Of these, 3,695 were cases of influenza and acute respiratory diseases (ARI) compared to 3,412 cases in the previous week. The total incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections in the country is 97.44 per 10,000 people, compared to 89.99 per 10,000 people in the previous week. This is demonstrated by the latest data from the Ministry of Health.

Children and adults of preschool and school age are the most susceptible. Doctors advise patients not to treat themselves or take antibiotics indiscriminately, but to be examined by a specialist and use antiviral drugs.

Here is the complete reference of the epidemiological situation in our country:

Intestinal infections: the registered cases are the following:

Viral hepatitis 32 cases against 41 cases in the previous week;

Dysentery 0 cases against 0 cases of the previous week;

Enterocolitis 33 cases against 40 cases in the previous week;

Cholenteritis 1 case against 5 cases of the previous week;

Campylobacteriosis 1 case against 0 cases during the previous week;

Rotavirus gastroenteritis 2 cases versus 0 cases in the previous week;

Salmonellosis 2 cases against 3 cases in the previous week.

Airborne infections: the registered cases are the following:

Chickenpox 134 cases against 210 cases in the previous week;

Scarlet fever 5 cases against 7 cases in the previous week.

Communicable infections: the registered cases are the following:

Q fever 1 case against 0 cases during the previous week;

Lyme borreliosis 0 cases against 0 cases in the previous week;

Marseille fever 0 cases against 0 cases in the previous week.

Sofia, Bulgaria
