Big win for BSP in Europe – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


Dragomir Stoynev, Vice President of the BSP of the Bulgarian General Assembly and Chairman of the Committee for European Affairs and Control of European Funds, read a statement on behalf of the BSP of the Bulgarian General Assembly on the support expressed by the EC Commission for the BSP initiative. participate in the planning and control of the management of the funds that the Member States will receive under the Recovery and Sustainability Mechanism. The proposal of the parliamentary group BSP was also supported by the Bundestag, the Bundesrat, as well as the Lithuanian Parliament, the party’s press center announced.

Here is the text of the full statement:

The subject of today’s statement is the support expressed by the EC Commission for the BSP initiative for national parliaments to participate in the planning and control of the management of the funds that the Member States will receive within the Recovery Mechanism and Sustainability

As chair of the Parliamentary Committee on European Affairs and Control of European Funds, I proposed at the Conference of European Affairs Committees of the EU Parliaments that the National Recovery Plans, which are part of the Recovery and Sustainability Mechanism, be discussed and approved by national parliaments before being sent to the European Commission.

Representatives of the Bundesrat and the Bundestag, as well as the Lithuanian Seimas, joined the institutional dialogue that followed the proposal.

A week ago, the official position was received from the vice president of the EC, Maros Shefcovic. It is stated that:

“The Recovery and Sustainability Mechanism is a key priority for the Commission and I welcome your interest in this new instrument, which aims to repair the damage caused by the COVID-19 crisis and prepare a better future for future generations. National parliaments are key partners in drawing up the EU recovery plan. The Commission will only be able to borrow on the markets for the purposes of the Recovery and Sustainability Mechanism and other programs once the Council decision on the EU’s own resources has been ratified. In many countries, this involves a parliamentary process, and the Commission believes that national parliaments will act quickly to allow the new financial structure to take effect on January 1, 2021. “

And more:

“From the Commission’s point of view, the commitment of national parliaments to the Recovery and Sustainability Mechanism plan is key to effective implementation. Progress on the plans will often be measured against milestones, which may include the adoption of legislation. Meeting these milestones will be important to ensure that these plans are timely and of high quality. “

“The Commission strongly encourages national authorities to engage in broad consultations and to involve all stakeholders in the development of national recovery and sustainability plans. National parliaments are among the main stakeholders to ensure that these Mechanism plans of Recovery and Sustainability are directed to the pertinent policies and investments “.

Let me explain in a few words about the Recovery and Sustainability Mechanism, through which the EU will invest € 672.5 billion in loans and grants in the form of priority funding to help Europe emerge stronger and more sustainable than today . economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The financial framework for Bulgaria is € 6.2 billion in grants and € 4.5 billion in loans.

With poise, as prime minister of cinema, but without any debate, Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev presented a draft of the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan. Its actual content is an administrative compilation created by line ministries, and the guiding EU policies are used quite formally.

The way in which the EC reacts to the BSP initiative to sanction the parliament has a clear political connotation: it doubts that this composition of the government programs, manages and guarantees the efficiency and transparency in the spending of billions of euros in public resources .

Unfortunately, the Commission is again giving a signal that we have a high-risk administrative and management environment. It would also add an absolute lack of economic policy and strategic planning. We risk billions being depleted in support of the economy and people without creating socioeconomic stability and sustainability. Like many other billions before them.

And a high-risk management and administration environment means corruption at high levels of management, mainly registered in the allocation of European public resources. It also means the total abandonment of substantive, substantive and structural reforms in the education and health systems, and not only in them, and their replacement by “rehabilitating”, “construction-installed” and “technical” improvements. But above all, it means 10 years of domination of a management philosophy, built around the reception and distribution of available public resources, that does not support an efficient economy and a competitive business environment, but a limited range of political and corporate dependencies. .

For this reason, the BSP insists that the Preliminary Draft of the National Restoration and Sustainability Plan be discussed and supplemented in the line committees, to later be considered in plenary. Parliament has clearly defined mechanisms to involve experts, professionals, scientists, and potential non-governmental and sectoral organizations in its work.

In a political context, the parliamentary approval of the planning, and then the control of the implementation of the Plan through the mechanisms of parliamentary control, would make it sustainable in the next mandates of the Executive and Legislative Power.

I remember that the Recovery and Sustainability Mechanism funds are temporary and can be used no later than December 31, 2024, and must be planned and approved before December 31, 2020. We still have time for an in-depth political debate analysis and experts and come up with a really good national recovery plan.

The BSP insists on submitting the Draft to Parliament and directs this insistence to Deputy Prime Minister Donchev, responsible for its preparation, and to the President of the National Assembly. The position of Maroš Šefčvič will be communicated to them through the relevant administrative channels. The chairmen of the parliamentary groups will also receive a copy of the correspondence with the EC. PG of “BSP for Bulgaria” is ready to specify the deadlines for the discussion of the draft National Plan in the commissions and in the room.

Sofia, Bulgaria
