Daritkova: Measures may tighten when hospitals fail to cope with the influx of patients | | News from Bulgaria and the world


Measures against the spread of COVID-19 can be toughened when hospitals fail to cope with the influx of patients.

This was stated by the president of GERB and head of the health commission in the National Assembly, Daniela Daritkova, to bTV.

“What health system in Europe prepared for this crisis? We like to repeat that our system is not reformed, it is true, we need reforms and better logistics between the different medical institutions. What has not been fulfilled with the GERB program until now, that is, the existence of a unified health information system, because if we had it now, we would have avoided many of the problems, ”he said.

According to her, with the unified health system it was possible to avoid problems such as how patients receive prescriptions without crowding in front of health clinics, receive adequate treatment, do not self-medicate, receive electronic referrals.

“I admit that we did not implement something that received its legislative regulation 3 years ago and in fact it was not carried out,” said Daritkova.

According to her, the health system operates at a very high speed. She expressed her hope that they don’t stand out alone.
unsympathetic examples. “My colleagues fight every day and save thousands of people. They work twenty-four hours a day and deserve respect. The workload of the system must allow all patients to be helped. My colleagues must know that there is no way to do it. front if everyone doesn’t take responsibility, from jeeps to intensive care units, “he added.

“We made a complete shutdown at the beginning of the pandemic because we had no preparation and we were not aware of this virus. We saw that this would not stop the spread of COVID-19,” explained the president of the GERB PG.

According to her, it is important to specify the indications for hospitalization, because not all coronavirus patients, even pneumonia, need hospital treatment.

Regarding the changes in the Health Law, which repeal mandatory hospital treatment, Daritkova pointed out that it is a text on quarantine measures and added that a large percentage of patients are treated at home.

He also said that the quarantined deputies have to participate in the quorum of the National Assembly because the BSP and the MRF refuse to register in the morning and “only ensure their salary.” According to her, without this measure, for example, the budget cannot be approved.
