Ultimatum after our third place in mortality – We follow otherwise stricter measures (overview)


Gabrovo and Sofia went from 1,000 infected per 100,000.

The Minister: The system is not reformed, it overloaded

Bulgaria already ranks third in mortality in the EU and second in the Balkans with 14.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. And the number of patients per 100,000 reached 658 people, which places us in 13th place in Europe. The data is based on the development of the pandemic during the last 14 days.

In the other EU countries, every two weeks, there is a decrease in the number of infected by an average of 10.2%, while Bulgaria grows by 1.8%.

These data were presented by the Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, at the weekly briefing at the Ministry of Health. And he announced: “We are in a situation in which we need to be

let’s throw



Either as a society we are aware of the burden and follow the measures as they are, or we are moving towards new, much stricter measures, as is the case in most of Europe. The other option is getting sicker and sicker and more and more lives lost ”.

For the third day in a row, the death toll exceeded 100, new cases nearly 4,000, active cases nearly 76,000.

The situation in the country is extremely complicated, said Health Minister Kostadin Angelov. In 10 districts the pressure on the health system is severe – Blagoevgrad, Burgas, Varna, Gabrovo, Pazardzhik, Pernik, Plovdiv, Razgrad, Ruse and Targovishte, and the beds are more intensive in Razgrad and Pleven. In Sofia and Gabrovo, the incidence exceeded 1,000 per 100,000 inhabitants.

“The measures do not receive the necessary understanding and support, opinions continue to spread that there is no such virus or that we somehow negatively affect the freedoms and rights of the people,” said Prof. Angelov. If people do not follow the few measures, we are not far from introducing more stringent measures, confirmed a similar possibility.

As of November 19, 2,313 were infected media, of which 154 were in hospital and 10 in intensive care units. Already

There again

infected doctors

“We will look for them and give epidemiological orders. This challenges the hypothesis that whoever receives COVID is fully protected, “said the minister.

Failure to comply with their orders in their entirety and the lack of sufficiently strict control by the RHI is one reason why ambulances roam hospitals in search of free beds, said Professor Angelov. And he warned that there will be personal changes where orders are not followed.

“What happened in Plovdiv is the tip of the iceberg. I cannot justify it in any way, it is unacceptable, unacceptable to human eyes,” he commented on the case of the dead on the stairs in front of St. Georgi ”two men.

The fact that the health system has not been reformed is the main reason for its overload, Angelov was categorical. However, now is not the time for reforms. They started 20 years ago, they didn’t end and they led to what we see now. When the reform in education was carried out, many resources were given, a systematic analysis was made, it was decided which are the strategic schools and which are protected. That should happen in healthcare too, he said.

According to the minister, it should

to be made





And these are the ones they trust right now. In Sofia there are 5-6 universities, in the country there are “St. Georgi ”in Plovdiv,“ Prof. Stoyan Kirkovich ”in Stara Zagora, University Hospital in Burgas, hospitals in Varna, Ruse, Shumen, Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven.

There will be a new change in the “green corridor” for adults, after the networks warned of the risks, while the youngest gathered and waited to enter. Professor Angelov expressed his bewilderment why they do it.

They’re scouting an entire city with antigen tests.

The state will pay another million and fill the pharmacies

The European Commission recommended them, but still in statistics

only cases confirmed by PCR will be included

An entire city in Bulgaria will be tested with antigenic tests for COVID-19 to take a snapshot and compare it to the 14-day morbidity, Health Minister Professor Kostadin Angelov announced during a regular briefing. Still, though

it has not been decided who will be the city

The state has already provided 70,000 antigen tests for hospitals, emergency services and RHIs, and distribution began Wednesday. An order for another million tests will be announced, most of which are planned for pharmacies to pay for and then sell.

Those taken by the state and distributed to RHI, hospitals and emergency care will be free for patients with symptoms, but it’s unclear what their number will be.

In Pirogov alone, 2,000 antigen tests are performed per week, its director, Professor Asen Baltov, told 24 Chassa.

The European Commission officially gave a recommendation on Wednesday for the use of rapid antigen tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19. By November 18, he had to find a solution for a common approach and more effective testing strategies across the EU. Brussels has left it to countries to decide whether people will be quarantined after a positive antigen test and whether they will be included in official statistics.

For the time being, Bulgaria will not recognize positive antigen tests as a reason for quarantine, the minister explained. To be declared ill, the patient must also have a CRP test. If the rapid test is done in a hospital, they will be able to refer you for a free PCR test.

The launch of electronic PCR references from jeeps is still expected. The decision of the health authorities was made, although they themselves witnessed people with a positive result of an antigen test, which is not self-quarantined, but

keep moving forward

work and in society

They are also one of the reasons for the suffocation of the health system, for which the authorities called on everyone to take responsibility.

Burgas left the children at home, one in four students or teachers infected

Sofia decides in a few days, no relaxation of measures is expected for Christmas

Not all 5th-12th grade students in the capital will return to class. This was made clear by the mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova, who participated in the weekly briefing of the Ministry of Health. The headquarters of the capital will make its decision early next week.

His personal opinion is that the measures in Sofia should not be loosened at Christmas. Among them are the night hours of restaurants, the prohibition of minors from going to shopping centers without an adult, masks and outdoors when people gather. Today the venue will talk about the Christmas bazaars.

In Burgas, students from 6th to 12th grade continue online until November 30 inclusive, decided the district headquarters. The reason: every 4 infected people there is a teacher or a student. There are three deceased pedagogues. According to local health experts, so far measures, including learning from home, have led to retention of morbidity levels, but no decline has been reported.

For children in grades 1-5 there is an opportunity for the principals to decide how they will study according to the specific school situation. Thus, parents will be able to work, because by law children under 12 years of age cannot stay home alone. Inspections were started at all schools and NGOs, as there were many signs of attendance.

In Pleven As of next week, an algorithm with schedules to alternate students in a class will be applied in each school. Children of preschool and kindergarten age may be absent until the end of 2020 at the request of the parents after a written request to the principal.

insurance Mayor Rumen Tomov spoke out against the complete closure of Blagoevgrad. The closure proposal was made on Wednesday night by the municipal councilors, who formed a “COVID commission.” She suggested that the municipal headquarters take extreme measures: close schools, gardens and stores for 3 weeks, work only government agencies, banks, gas stations, pharmacies and grocery stores. However, business in Blagoevgrad is on a razor’s edge, leaving hundreds without jobs and livelihoods, Tomov announced. After closing in March, it took 2 months for recovery. According to the mayor, the priority is how to help doctors and hospitals.
