Coronavirus in Bulgaria: Daritkova acknowledged GERB’s failure with health information system – Bulgaria


The proportion of people who say they have no savings has risen significantly: 42% in November compared to 24% in May. This is demonstrated by data from a survey by the sociological agency Trend on the attitudes of Bulgarians towards the spread of COVID-19, carried out between November 2 and 10 through face-to-face interviews among 1,001 adults commissioned by the newspaper 24 Chasa. Almost half of Bulgarians believe that measures against the spread of COVID-19 are sufficient, and almost a third (30%) believe that they should be stricter.

In November, there was an increase in the proportion of people who declared that they used protective masks: 88% to 70% in April. 82% are the proportion of Bulgarians who indicate that they observe physical distance when communicating with people, and 14% indicate that they do not observe. 79% of people say they avoid meeting a lot of people.

Researchers report an increase in support for mandatory mask use: 76% in November compared to 64% in April. At the same time, support for the closure of all restaurants, bars, gyms and other places where more people gather is decreasing. 36% of the people supported this measure in November, while in April this participation was 82%. 31% support the closure of universities and 51% think otherwise. Closing schools entirely for students in grades 1-12 is supported by 28%, and 57% do not share this view. Kindergartens and their closure have public support of 25%, respectively.

Only 12% of Bulgarians believe that citizens should be prohibited from leaving their homes except to go to the store, pharmacy or work. This participation in April was supported by 55% of Bulgarians. Bulgarians record a decrease in fears compared to April in terms of food shortages (25% in November compared to 42% in April), household consumables (20% compared to 33% in April), fuel at gas stations ( 15% in November compared to 25% in April). With regard to medicines, 41% had such concerns in November, and in April half of Bulgarians had such concerns.
