Middle and high school students must wear a mask in class


PHOTO: Pixabay

Middle and high school students will be required to wear a mask during class when they return to a real learning environment. All industry partners rallied around this position: Minister of Education and Science Krassimir Valchev, experts, trade unions and directors of today’s meeting. It lasted almost 2 hours. For primary school students, this measure is currently highly recommended. This was announced for “24 Chasa” Diyan Stamatov, headmaster of the 119th high school “Acad. Mihail Arnaudov” in Sofia and president of the Union of Employers in the public education system.

The continuation of the classes must be with local decisions in compliance with the administrative sequence. First, the regional and municipal headquarters, RHI must decide, and only then local decisions must be made by the schools themselves. The Collective Bargaining Agreement will stipulate that all teachers and staff who have had a coronavirus are entitled to an additional 10-day paid leave to fully recover.

This time we were very close in our position. Minister Krassimir Valchev should put the branch council’s decisions in a special order in the coming days, Diyan Stamatov added.
