Vice President Yotova: Who needs to take the knife, since we can take the appropriate measures? – politics


The most accurate indicator is a red card showing. You do not have an area where there are no problems and the measures are inadequate. This is the opinion of Vice President Iliana Yotova.Iliana YotovaIliana Malinova Yotova is a Bulgarian politician, fifth vice president of the Republic of Bulgaria,.

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“It was important to show the doctors how a brand roars. I have too much respect for the passengers in this car. There was also a moment when the driver dropped the steering wheel, I hope the steering wheel does not fall and the state,” he said, referring to to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov’s tour. with the jeep with the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov and the director of “Pirogov” Prof. Asen Baltov.

Yotova told bTV that the most worrying thing was that people did not believe in the measures imposed by the cabinet. According to her, they do not believe in the money that is distributed.

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“Who needs to take the knife when we can take the appropriate action? Do you know how many clinics are closed because there are infected doctors?” The vice president asked.

He also spoke about the tensions in the country as a whole, not just between institutions. Yotova insists that the government has no answer to any questions to calm society. And at this time there is an attempt to “clash” between doctors and recalled yesterday’s speech by the Minister of Health Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov.

“Yesterday he behaved like an inspector in a children’s pedagogical room, who made us buy medicine,” Yotova said.

“Do we know that we are all in the same boat at the moment? The minister went to parliament and did not give a single question to ask. What are they afraid of?” The vice president commented.

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Yotova believes that the next big crisis will be in nursing homes again, because wages in the social sphere are very low. She believes that in our country everything is done little by little.

“We will come out of this crisis in spite of the government, in spite of the minister. We will come out of the crisis in spite of the chaos. We will come out as a society. How is it possible to suggest that there are disobedient Bulgarians who do not want to comply with the measures?”

On the issue of the quarantine of President Rumen Radev Iliana YotovaIliana YotovaIliana Malinova Yotova is a Bulgarian politician, 5th Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria, He commented that there were things that were saved.

Yotova also responded to a question about whether there is tension between Radev and BSP leader Cornelia Ninova.

“An artificial tension is being created. This is an attempt to block his second term,” he said.

Regarding North Macedonia Iliana YotovaIliana YotovaIliana Malinova Yotova is a Bulgarian politician, fifth vice president of the Republic of Bulgaria, assume we are under pressure.

“President Parvanov had offered a very strong position, if we had learned that we had an annex, we would not be in this situation now,” said the vice president.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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