Boyko Borissov made a monstrous mistake today


Today, the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Boyko Metodiev Borisov, driving in his jeep and driving the Minister of Health and the head of “Pirogov” in it, and while filming to glorify his great government, said the following words, I quote: ” Work brings freedom … ”

When I heard them, I froze and fell into a state called royal stupor. That the prime minister is illiterate, that he has not read books, that he does not know languages ​​and has a low general culture (in addition to a boring sense of humor) is clear. It is visible to everyone.

Political zoo: Borisov's body is healthy, but his mental state is disturbing

Another reality show of Borisov’s jeep, broadcast on Facebook, sparked a torrent of comments on social media. Most of the reaction …

But that Boyko Metodiev Borisov does not know what this phrase is and where it comes from, is absurd. Because, in my opinion, he made an unintentional mistake, because if it’s not a mistake like that, it’s crazy, “wrote TV host and” Ima Takv Narod “frontman Slavi Trifonov on Facebook.” Now I’ll tell you where you made a monstrous mistake today. Boyko, the phrase “Work brings freedom” in your favorite German sounds like this: “Arbyte maht fry.” And you know, Boyko, where is this phrase? Hey? Do you have any idea? It is located at the gates of humanity’s most terrible creation: the Auschwitz concentration camp. As well as the gates of many other Nazi concentration camps and prisons.

Polina Paunova: Work brings freedom to Auschwitz.  Obviously in Bulgaria in 2020.

“There are things that are unbearable. And historical mistakes that are unacceptable to make. A German woman taught me in high school. When I …

The fact that you don’t know German doesn’t justify you, because the expression is popular in Bulgarian, for those who know at least a little history. You know what, Boyko? Something comes to mind. Call your friend, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and tell her your favorite German, “Arbyte maht fry,” and wait for the result. She is from East Germany. You are currently Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, and when you hear this phrase, the first thing you will think about is whether you can shake your head. Now imagine what every Bulgarian who knows at least a little history thinks. ”

Work brings freedom

Already suffering from the coronavirus, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov rushed into the official jeep to inspect the next stretch of road …

You can see the reactions to the Prime Minister’s words on Facebook in this article.
