Borisov put the medics in the jeep to hear the roar of the marks


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov declared that he had recovered from the coronavirus and drove his jeep again, but with unusual guests in the back seats: two medical professors in the person of Health Minister Kostadin Angelov and the head of “Pirogov” Asen Baltov. The conversation surpassed the most absurd examples of Boris’ work on the roads of the republic. The doctors tried to maintain a tolerable dialogue on medical matters, while Borisov constantly interrupted them and told them about the railings, the roaring marks, “Excavators perched like birds” and asphalt, asphalt, asphalt …

The Prime Minister’s monologue honoring the construction worker made the two doctors brag about the construction sites they worked on when they were young. Thus, it became clear that Baltov worked in a brick factory and Angelov helped his grandfather, who was a bricklayer.

“Thanks to the doctors, we built this road.”Borisov started when the jeep approached the new section of the Europa highway. “You managed to work on a pandemic so that nothing would stop. Everything happens.” the Prime Minister told the doctors.

Asen Baltov tried to get involved in the matter from a medical point of view: “I have always said that colleagues should not be afraid when they get sick …” But he was unable to finish due to the prime minister’s sincere admiration at seeing the yellowish autumn field cut across his new road.

“Look, what a beauty, Baltov! Look, brother. Look, yes. Beauty, yes. Beauty.”, Borisov melted. He then returned to the conversation started by Professor Baltov about the pandemic and sick doctors, adding: “That’s right. That’s why we are at the forefront. Doctors treat, cure and return (people) to production. Every healthy person has to work so that the processes do not stop.”

Driving on the new asphalt, the Prime Minister continued:

“These are all new bridges, Baltov. These are all new circles. All of this has been done since February, as the pandemic was unfolding. Thanks to the doctors and, of course, the diligence of the builders. This is how they work. They recover, they come back … “.

He just touches his mask, puts it on, his nose sticks out. Then he stops next to three construction workers and starts a conversation (small talk, as some NATO allies would say)

Worker: “We live to see you”

Borisov states: “I recovered”. Then he informed the worker that in his back seat was the head of “Pirogov”, who “treats 1,000 people a day and sends them to production”.

And how beautifully the brand roars

Assen Baltov does not have the opportunity to put Borisov’s roads in a different perspective than the prime minister’s genuine admiration for his appearance. “There is nothing better than fast communications. We spoke with Kodzheikov (the head of Air Detachment 28) …”, Baltov began, but then …

“Baltov, look at that brand! He immediately roars and shows you that you are not in the right place”Borisov interrupts him and invites the two professors to come out to contemplate the rotunda.

“I trust doctors a lot. One by one (to treat – br). Who is healthy, to go to work. Work brings freedom, work brings pleasure, work brings life. Receive a salary, eat monthly. Do not be afraid “, Borisov explains

He then told the regional minister, Petya Avramova, who accompanied him in another jeep, that he was not actually at work, but was having fun driving on the roads.

I don’t inspect, I’m happy to drive

“I don’t inspect them, I’m glad to drive with them. There was corn here …”she informed Avramova, although she is expected to know. He then explains why he drives two of the country’s top doctors in the prime minister’s jeep: “It was her lunch break. A walk.”

The ride does not stop. Baltov and Angelov were taken to the construction site of the Europa highway to see and hear everything. Until the end

Watch Baltov go from gravel to asphalt. These are city doctors. Remember a little … “, says Borisov. He stops and has a new friendly conversation with a builder who praises him. The methods for internal disinfection of workers with brandy after hours and “Evalla for the roads”.

Being a bricklayer, not a doctor …

At that moment, the dams of both doctors collapsed. Baltov begins to explain that he was in a brick factory, where he was sent from his sports school, and Angelov said that he helped his grandfather, who was “He was a builder, a mason, a teacher”. The tone is as if this is the only way for two exceptional doctors to stand up in the eyes of the Prime Minister.

However, Borissov continues in a trance: “Hey, there were bulldozers upstairs … like birds.”. “Are you impressed by what machines are? There are no old machines here. Hitachi, there are all kinds of brands here.”.

“Here (on the road) I came to every bridge, to every hole. For the New Year, who wants to go to Belgrade, to Sofia …”says the prime minister of the two doctors upon his return from the site.

Kostadin Angelov recalls: “We will be in hospitals again. We have nowhere to go. Since we have been in ministries all summer, we have not seen summer, so we will be at Christmas and New Years, but whoever chooses.”

Asen Baltov reassures him: “That too will pass.”

Borissov does not stop including the issue of elections: “The Bulgarians had an idea. While some raised their fists and protested (speaking of the president), we did what we were doing (with the roads). It is obvious, it is obvious. The benefit of who is greater, will be decided by the people.” .

Finally, the video ends abruptly with Borisov’s words: “Thanks. I’ll get you back to work.”.

The ending is in response to the video with the young ER doctor in Sofia, who tells his patient that this is his last day of work in Bulgaria.
