LIVE: They close the coordination center directing the ambulances


The coordination center, which ran the ambulances in which the hospital has beds for COVID-19 patients, will be closed. This was announced by the director of the Sofia Emergency Center, Dr. Georgi Gelev, during the information session of the health authorities. The reason is that after the mobile points were built in front of the hospitals, those in need went on their own to the respective medical institution.

Mortality in our country is comparable to that of Spain and France. This was announced by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, at the regular briefing of the health authorities.

The good news is that there is a constant trend to increase the number of patients who are cured daily in the country, almost approaching 1,000 people per day. During the last week the cured were 4767.

The occupancy of beds in hospitals is 40%, the occupancy of intensive care beds is 23%. The most serious problem is in Blagoevgrad, Gabrovo, Pernik, Razgrad, Targovishte and Shumen.

1802 physicians currently use COVID-19. Of these, 121 are admitted to the hospital and 9 to intensive care units.

“I am successfully controlling the infection. Bulgaria is one of the middle places in the EU in terms of morbidity. We are in seventh place in terms of mortality,” said Professor Angelov. The highest mortality rates are highest in the Czech Republic, Belgium, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland and Croatia Measurable with our mortality are Spain and France.

“The philosophy of the measures is a limitation that would lead to a reduction in morbidity,” explained Prof. Angelov.

3,945 new people infected with COVID-19 and 47 died in 24 hours

Professor Angelov also commented on “green corridors” for the elderly. They can move between 14: 00-16: 00 if the weather gets bad and there is ice in the morning. In some smaller settlements, grocery stores are loaded later, so even there “green corridors” can be moved after consultation with mayors.

Associate Professor Angel Kunchev commented that Bulgaria, as one of the countries with the softest measures, manages to keep morbidity and mortality around the average indications for Europe.

“On the territory of the country we have sufficient quantities of all necessary drugs,” Professor Angelov said. “No antibiotic or antimicrobial cures the coronavirus. They should be prescribed by a doctor in case of danger. Taking an antibiotic for no reason can seriously harm your health.”


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