Angelov: There is no shortage of beds in Sofia, Mangarov joins the battle as head of a covid ward (Updated)


Minister Angelov gives a statement to the Hospital for Infectious Diseases.

There is no shortage of beds in Sofia. Large medical facilities will be restructured to cover at least 50% for COVID treatment. Therefore, they will receive additional funding.

Minister Kostadin Angelov visited the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Sofia and the coordination center located on its territory to verify the organization established for the work of the two structures and to give a statement to the media.

Associate Professor Mangarov is involved in the fight against coronavirus, Professor Angelov said.

“I had a conversation with Assoc. Prof. Atanas Mangarov and personally asked him to join the fight against coronavirus. Since yesterday he has an order for the head of the clinic where all coronavirus patients are treated. My only requirement is to observe all security measures “. “said the minister.

“All schools in the territory of Bulgaria, which have reached 20 percent morbidity, will switch to distance education,” Minister Angelov said.

“It has not yet been decided whether students will return to classrooms as of November 12, when the distance education measure currently imposed expires. Options have been discussed for principals, depending on the situation of the schools, to make proposals to the Minister of Education to move to Higher education institutions will continue to teach students remotely, with the exception of those disciplines where this is not possible, such as medicine, ”explained Prof. Angelov.

“The green corridors are discussing whether it will be in the morning or in the afternoon,” he said. According to him, people with chronic diseases are also expected to use adult green corridors.

“Nightclubs will be closed across the country by the end of the month,” Professor Angelov said. “We envisage a night class for the work of establishments in the territory of the whole country. At the moment we are focusing on the hour 23.00-23.30”, said Prof. Angelov.

“As of today, there are already open COVID sectors in the DCCs,” said the Minister of Health.

“All citizens with symptoms of COVID-19 use the tests for free. The costs incurred by the medical institution are covered by the Ministry of Health,” he added. He explained that it will become clear in the next few days whether antigen testing can be an alternative to AKP testing and under what conditions.

The Health Minister also said that 40-45% of people who go to be examined in the vans in front of medical establishments do not have symptoms.

“The number of deaths today is 106 people. The deaths are not entered in time in the information system, so this number is cumulative,” concluded Professor Angelov.

The Health Minister said he does not consider it appropriate to prescribe antibiotics over the phone without an exam.

Adjunct Professor Mangarov, the new head of the covid ward at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases, also spoke to the media. He did not want to put on the mask despite calls from reporters.

Mangarov explained that the coronavirus infection was no more dangerous than other infections. According to him, the measures should be similar to those for swine flu.

The associate professor continued with his affirmations that there are people in hospitals who should not be there and according to him in this way the health system would not withstand the pressure.

He assured that everyone in his neighborhood, including himself, would wear protective gear.

Mangarov also put forward the thesis that coronavirus patients do not respond to antibiotics and should sit and wait for them to pass.
