Hristo Ivanov to Borisov: you are a failure


Hristo Ivanov to Borisov: you are a failure

“Borissov, you are a failure! The problem is not that you are a failure for you and your party. The problem is that you are a failure for Bulgaria. Until you get lost, until people lose you, nothing will start to go like that. people”. in this country. And that’s why we will lose you. “Thus, the co-president of” democratic Bulgaria “Hristo Ivanov addressed the prime minister and leader of the GERB after the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers on Monday.

The meeting agreed to co-finance the health system with BGN 81 million and adopt a series of measures, but only at the height of the second peak of the epidemic.

“This is another demonstration of unimaginable shamelessness. The purpose of closing the country in the spring was to be able to prepare all the systems for the second wave. The economic price we paid then is to have a plan now. Not today Borisov to explain that we will open” Covid -wards, not putting jeeps in the front line now, not announcing last week that it will give money to doctors and nurses. This should have happened eight months ago. Borisov, you are a failure, “Ivanov said.

According to him, Borissov’s failure does not consist in giving money, but in doing it only now and without a clear plan.

“It is done in the usual way, as part of improvisations and imitations that smear public relations, Borissov’s eternal buffo-synchronism. You lost ten years without reforms and wasted EU money,” said the co-president of Democratic Bulgaria.

According to him, if Bulgaria had not wasted the last 10 years, there would now be economic sustainability, strong institutions and people in the administration who have the ability to plan.

“Now we don’t have the ability to plan, we have ladybugs. The same ladybugs that sit down and write the recovery and sustainability plan. It’s the same bane of opportunities. These same people will do the same in the next 10 years, with the next generation. I appeal to everyone. “Watch out! Wear masks! It’s very important. We must be responsible, because we cannot rely on responsible management and we must offset this with our own responsibility, “Ivanov said.
