This is what the Council of Ministers decided in its extraordinary COVID meeting today – Politics


Prime Minister Boyko BorissovBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959 and members of the Council of Ministers held an extraordinary meeting of the government by videoconference. The cabinet passed amendments to the Personal Assistance Act to ensure that the most needy children and adults with disabilities have access to a personal attendant based on their individual need for such care. The bill eliminates the weaknesses identified in the current application of the law.

The main objective of the new texts is to strengthen control over the service provided and increase the sustainability and quality of personal assistance.

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In the state budget for 2021, under the Personal Assistance Act, 214.6 million BGN is provided. In parallel, BGN 85 million is set aside for auxiliary support under the Social Services Act. The government-approved changes and established funding will cover the personal assistant needs of people with disabilities in 2021. Next year, the Personal Assistance Act in 2021 will support some 80,000 people with disabilities. The right to such support will have: adults with permanent disabilities with 90 and more than 90% degree of disability with the right to foreign assistance; children with 90 and more than 90% degree of disability without the right to assistance; children with 50 and more than 50% degree of disability with the right to foreign assistance, as well as people over 18 years of age with TEMC between 70.01% and 89.99% of degree of disability with outside assistance. Attendees will continue to work with an employment contract. The amendments to the Personal Assistance Law will introduce a commitment for the mayors of municipalities to monitor the quality of personal assistance when exercising control.

This will increase the autonomy of the people who use the service and strengthen the prevention of the risk of abuse. The proposed provisions preserve the scope of potential eligible personal assistance users as of December 31, 2020. The changes will ensure the financial security of municipal administrations by providing funds for the administration of personal assistance to the municipality, in accordance with the amount of expected monthly hours. to the users of its territory. This will improve the sustainability and quality of attendant care. The new provisions regulate the provision of personal assistance for treatment abroad and / or the provision of rehabilitation services. In this way, under clear rules, those in need will continue to receive the assistance of an assistant, which ensures the continuity of the process. All changes to the Personal Assistance Law have been proposed after a thorough analysis and active dialogue with stakeholders in order to introduce precise and clear regulations for the provision and use of this assistance support for people with disabilities.

The government has approved changes to the Disability Law.

The amendments to the legislation are adopted in response to the long-standing demands of people with disabilities. The provision and payment of medical aids, devices, equipment and devices for people with disabilities is expected to be fully transferred to the National Health Insurance Fund by the end of 2021. This will be done in accordance with approved mechanisms and quality standards . The new provisions broaden the circle of people subject to sheltered employment by including people with mental disorders and intellectual disabilities. This creates opportunities for these groups of people to receive support in the process of job completion in the labor market. A longer time horizon is foreseen for the preparation of the institutionalization of the State Agency for Persons with Disabilities in the Council of Ministers. In this sense, at the end of 2021, all the necessary actions will be taken to carry out an in-depth analysis in order to introduce precise and clear regulations related to the structure, operation and powers of the new structure.
