Coranavirus in Bulgaria: unaccompanied children in Sofia shopping malls (timeline) – Bulgaria


Children only accompanied in the shopping centers of Sofia

By order of the Regional Health Inspection in Sofia, from today until November 30, minors can visit the shopping centers in the presence of a parent or guardian, guardian, caregiver or adult without disability provided by the previous one. A “green corridor” is also being implemented between 8:00 and 10:00, in which citizens over 65 can visit supermarkets. People under 65 are recommended to shop outside of these hours.

The Metropolitan of Stara Zagora is infected

His Eminence Metropolitan Kyprian of Stara Zagora tested positive for coronavirus, the Saint Metropolitan of Stara Zagora announced. Metropolitan Cyprian is in good health and receiving home treatment. All contact persons have been sent to RHI and have also been quarantined. The premises of the Metropolitan House and the administrative building of the Metropolitan Stara Zagora were disinfected. Employees have switched to remote mode.

Conflict in the “Alexandrovska Hospital” due to the COVID ward

The only transplant clinic in Bulgaria will be transformed into a COVID ward. This sparked a dispute between the head of the Alexandrovska Hospital, where the clinic is located, and the head of the ward that will be transferred, BNT reported. The hospital director explained that the patients would be transferred to the nephrology ward. However, the clinic’s director told BNT that he would not transfer his patients without an explicit order.
Transplant patients will be relocated to a site where there has been an infection.
“It’s simple. Patients are at risk. There is COVID. So if bad things move and happen, who will be to blame?” Explained Professor Emil Paskalev, head of the Nephrology and Transplant Clinic.
According to the director of the COVID hospital, the ward “existed” in the past.

If people continue to not strictly observe measures against COVID-19, by the end of November the number of infected in Bulgaria will reach 94 thousand with just over 72 thousand. Now, the mathematician of the National Operational Headquarters Prof. Nikolay Vitanov told Nova TV today. .

He added that if the measures were followed, the number of new infected per day would not be around 4,000, but between 500 and 600.
According to his calculations, the true carriers of the virus are eight times more, or 376 thousand, of which about 280 thousand have no symptoms. As an option to control the epidemic, Professor Vitanov recommended a two-week state lockdown with restriction of all departures.

The director of emergency care in Pazardzhik is infected

The director of the Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care in Pazardzhik, Dr. Boris Manev, tests positive for coronavirus. The news was announced by him on his Facebook account, BNR reported. According to his own words, he is undergoing severe therapy and his health condition does not allow remote control of the unit.

Part of the center’s team has been quarantined. Additional coordination has been established between the individual emergency centers in the district, so as not to interrupt the current pace of work.

Pre-registration and 10-day quarantine for Germany

As part of the prevention against coronavirus infection on November 8, 2020, Germany introduces a requirement for mandatory registration of citizens who enter its territory and who have resided in the last 10 days before traveling to a high-rise region. risk, announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As of November 1, this is the entire territory of Bulgaria. Those arriving from high-risk regions in Germany are subject to a 10-day quarantine and must notify local health authorities of their arrival and quarantine. It is possible to shorten the quarantine period, but not later than the fifth day, if a test is carried out, the result of which is negative.

Details here

By order, the military will donate plasma.

An order is being prepared for the military who survived the coronavirus to donate plasma for other patients, Defense Minister Krassimir Karakachanov told reporters today. He asked sick citizens to do the same.

The Coranavirus in Bulgaria: children only accompanied in the shopping centers of Sofia (chronology)

© Diary

The government has not considered the possibility of a serious tightening of measures and the introduction of a national quarantine, added Karakachanov. He clarified that this must be decided by the National Operational Headquarters.

More money is sought for tour operators and travel agents

We will seek an additional funding opportunity for tour operators and travel agents within the framework of the “Innovation and Competitiveness” Operational Program, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova told Darik Radio today. He added that so far 10 million BGN has been agreed and during the procedure 840 applications have been received from the industry for 64 million BGN. Nikoova also specified that to provide additional funding from the EU, a financial justification and analysis is needed. A survey was developed and uploaded to the Ministry’s institutional website to collect and prepare this information. We have demanded another BGN 50 million to support tour operators and travel agents, Minister Nikolova explained.

If people continue to not strictly observe the measures against COVID-19, by the end of November the number of infected in Bulgaria will reach 94 thousand compared to just over 72 thousand. .
He added that if the measures were followed, the number of new infected per day would not be around 4,000, but between 500 and 600.

According to his calculations, the true carriers of the virus are eight times more, or 376 thousand, of which about 280 thousand have no symptoms. As an option to control the epidemic, Professor Vitanov recommended two weeks of state closure with restriction of all departures.

Minister Banov: theaters and operas will not close

“Theaters and operas will not close. Now our cultural institutes are one of the safest public places,” Culture Minister Boil Banov told Nova TV today. However, the management of several theaters, including the People’s Theater in Sofia, announced that they would stop the performances. According to Banov, from the beginning the cabinet wisely handled the crisis with COVID-19.

The Coranavirus in Bulgaria: children only accompanied in the shopping centers of Sofia (chronology)

Regarding intentions to enter theaters, operas and other cultural events after passing an antigen test, Banov explained that details are still being clarified. “We need to show society that we care that they consume culture,” he said.

Green corridor hours are changing

The green corridor in which adults over 65 can shop in stores will become a fact in Sofia tomorrow or Monday, BTV reported. Initially it was reported that the corridor was from 10 am to 12 pm, but the time zone was adjusted from 8 am to 10 pm Adults can shop at other times, but it is recommended for them.

Hospitals cannot refuse to admit a patient with coronavirus. All should be accepted, the new head of the Medical Supervision Agency, Dr. Georgi Deyanov, who a few days ago became the head of the agency, told BTV today. He said 80 alerts related to refusal to treat patients with suspected coronavirus were being investigated.

We move on the razor’s edge, says Tomislav Donchev

We are trying to move to the edge of the razor, seeking a balance between protecting people from the coranavirus and preserving the economy, Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev told BNT today. According to him, the government has shown that it can handle the crisis by questioning the coping capacity of other political forces.

The Coranavirus in Bulgaria: children only accompanied in the shopping centers of Sofia (chronology)

© Julia Lazarova

The deputy prime minister commented that the government has a list of additional measures, but to date it is not necessary to take such measures. Donchev believes that compared to spring, the difference from spring is huge because doctors are so much more prepared. According to him, the state has managed to reorganize the hospital system. Donchev is of the opinion that the situation is serious enough for the president to take a position on what should be done and how the crisis should be managed.

The largest number of tests so far

According to official data from the Unified Information Portal, on November 6, the largest number of tests in the country was carried out – 13,849. The positive samples are 3849. The proportion of infected to analyzed is a little more than 27% and for the first time in several days there is a decrease of less than 30%.

However, the number of hospitalized patients continues to increase and there are already 3,563, 139 more than the day before, as well as those in intensive care units, 257 (7).

There is no change in the distribution by districts – most are the newly discovered virus carriers in Sofia – 1435, Plovdiv (382) and Blagoevgrad (237).

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