How Mobile Coronavirus Diagnostic Points Work – Bulgaria


Point in front

© Georgi Kozhukharov

The point in front of “Pirogov”

By order of the Minister of Health, to date, all major hospitals in the country had to have mobile receptions in which only people suspected of being infected with the coronavirus could be examined. The goal is not to mix with other patients. The requirement applies to university hospitals and those with more than 50% state ownership.

At the mobile points, doctors will examine people and, if coronavirus is suspected, free antigen tests will be performed. If the result is positive, the patient will be referred to the GP for a referral for a PCR test.

“Any Bulgarian citizen who is considered urgent or who needs a consultation or an examination. There will be no way to limit the people who must be in front of these points”, the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, commented on the idea a few days ago.

The mobile points are located in identical containers, similar to those used on construction sites. They are manufactured and delivered by the same company – Top House, an inspection by “Dnevnik” found. Today, the Minister of Health announced that the purchase is made by medical institutions. Professor Angelov added that they are placed in front of all planned hospitals in Sofia, while the process is underway in the country.

Mobile points are in identical containers

© Georgi Kozhukharov

Mobile points are in identical containers

At the moment, hospitals also pay for the antigen tests used at the points. “The money will be reimbursed to them. Starting next week the tests will be paid for by the state. The procedures are over, we are looking for the best test at the best price,” commented Prof. Angelov. He asked that the test not be subjected to healthy people without symptoms.

The organization in front of “Pirogov”

At 11 o’clock in front of the container, acting as a mobile station in front of “Pirogov”, there are a dozen people. They are employees of the Ministry of the Economy. It turns out that during the day the mobile station works mainly with groups of companies, government agencies, etc. However, in the last 24 hours about 150 people have passed through it, “Pirogov” director Prof. Asen Baltov tells BTV.

There are containers next to the main entrance of the university hospital.

© Georgi Kozhukharov

There are containers next to the main entrance of “St. Ivan Rilski” University Hospital. However, they are not for consultation, but to pass a PCR test.

Individual patients must go through the main course registration of “Pirogov” and then be examined on the call. “triage cabinet”. In it, those brought by ambulance and people in serious condition have an advantage, while milder cases may have to wait.

Professor Baltov explained that the main entrance of the emergency hospital is now used only by patients with suspected coronavirus, so it cannot be mixed with people with other problems. The containers were also used as a kind of waiting room by those who need to be inspected, but are not urgent.

There is no mobile consultation point in front of the Military Medical Academy. I understand from the hospital’s public relations department that it is not necessary. “In our country, the streams have been separated for a long time. People with suspected coronavirus are examined in the infectious disease clinic, which is located in a separate building,” MMA PR Sonya Kolchakova told Dnevnik.

There is a sign in the courtyard of an infectious disease hospital that points to the reception room for people with suspected coronavirus.

© Georgi Kozhukharov

In the courtyard of an infectious disease hospital there is a sign indicating the reception for people with suspected coronavirus.

There is a flow division in the hospital for infectious and parasitic diseases Prof. “Ivan Kirov”. All buildings that people with suspected coronavirus should not enter have signs to contact the focal point. A deliberate sign in the yard points it out. There was only one person in front of the reception in the early afternoon.

The procedure takes up to 20 minutes.

Since yesterday, there is a mobile examination point in front of the Alexandrovska Hospital. There is no one in front of him for about 12 hours, and the doctor and nurse are visibly bored.

“The idea of ​​the vans is to screen and recognize patients with acute respiratory diseases, those who are suspected of having a coronavirus infection. The procedure will take between 15 and 20 minutes along with the registration and the protocol,” said the head of Nova TV to Nova TV. the emergency department of the University Hospital “Alexandrovska” Dr. Nikolay Hubanov. According to him, the new antigen tests have a better sensitivity to recognize coronavirus particles. “Queues can only be avoided with a clear idea among the population that there is no need to panic because the system is working,” he added.

Point in front

© Georgi Paunovski

The point in front of the “Alexandrovska Hospital”

There is also a mobile examination point in front of the Fifth City Hospital in Sofia. Before BNT, its director, Dr. Boril Petrov, explained that he would work twenty-four hours a day.

“Colleagues in the ER when they judge a patient to have suspicious symptoms will examine him at this point. The team will consider after the examination whether to perform a rapid antigen test, as it is more accurate when the patient is symptomatic. ”Explained Dr. Petrov.
