Professor Angelov revealed how the decision to have a second state shutdown will be made – Politics


It is good that hotels are ready to receive patients, but at this stage it is not necessary. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin AngelovKostadin AngelovKostadin Angelov was born on June 7, 1977. He graduated from Sofia Medical University in 2004. in an interview with the newspaper “Telegraph”.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 14536

This is what Professor Angelov will share with the media about the coronavirus situation in our country:

– Prof. Angelov, the Prime Minister ordered the reorganization of hospitals, how long can it be that everyone needs to be able to count on help?

– On Wednesday morning my first job was to meet with me the directors of the large hospitals in Sofia. We are talking about public and private medical institutions. I decided to call them the night before, after the information came out in the Information System that we already have more than 4,000 patients a day. We had long ago decided that with the approval of 4,000 cases, we should proceed with an urgent reorganization of the system. The only thing we did in the morning was to discuss again how and what we are doing, in what timeframe this is likely to happen, as well as saying that the reorganization begins immediately. Hospitals are already working on restructuring, and in large ones, structures with at least 200 beds will be opened for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. We will do the same in the country’s large hospitals, by which I mean that the plan has been fulfilled, and putting it on paper is a bureaucratic procedure that we are obliged to do.

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– After the record number of infected on Tuesday and Wednesday, is there a threshold for new cases, after which there will be a second lockdown?

– We discussed this issue with the hospital directors and with representatives of CSMP and RHI at the meeting I told you about. Assoc. Prof. Kunchev and all the ministry leaders were present. We all decided unanimously, because, of course, everyone has their opinion, and what I did was instruct the Chief Inspector of Health of the State to propose measures to reduce the number of cases checked per day. I am awaiting the proposals of Associate Professor Kunchev, as I am sure that he will comply with the opinions of the advice of experts in epidemiology and infectious diseases, as well as in the analysis of the indicators that we monitor daily, weekly and 14 days. . Only then will I make my decision.

– How many hospitals have you visited so far and encountered “clean hospitals” that continue to refuse to admit COVID-19 patients?

– I visited quite a few medical institutions. The idea is not to point the finger at them and pass sentences, but to make sure that everyone participates in the implementation of our common task: to guarantee Bulgarian citizens access to quality and timely healthcare. In the ministry we also have a series of signals for hospitals that refuse to accept patients. For each signal that I have designated an inspection, I am waiting for a report and I have no doubt, where there are violations, there will be appropriate penalties.

– Will and when will young students leave remotely?

– As I told you, regarding the new measures, including your question on distance education, I await the proposals of Associate Prof. Kunchev and the experts. The decision cannot be made so suddenly – “Let’s close the schools.” It is necessary to make clear what the morbidity in them is – among students, teachers, other personnel, what trends indicate epidemiological studies, what are the positions of the expert councils. Let’s not forget that there are currently clear rules under which the education system operates under COVID-19.

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– Will the online training period for high school students be extended?

– At the moment, this training, written on my order, will last until November 12, otherwise how long it will last. The answer is the same as your previous question. We are currently in crisis. It should be handled rationally, not emotionally, that is, there is no way to specify a specific date without a prima facie analysis.

– What should people in poor condition do when hospitals refuse to accept them?

– What we understand by deterioration is very important. In Bulgaria, there is legislation that clearly states that any patient who is considered an emergency must seek emergency care, that is, call an emergency medical team on 112 or receive appropriate emergency care. reception rooms of medical institutions. If we understand the worsening of COVID-19 symptoms as a condition, then people should consult with general practitioners who assess whether a referral is needed, for which specialist, if home treatment is needed, if specific treatment is needed, if hospitalization is necessary and etc. Furthermore, the groups of patients that can be admitted to hospital are clearly defined, including the chronically ill, the part of “long-term treatment”. In order to provide citizens with another opportunity for rapid access to medical care, in front of the country’s regional hospitals, as well as in front of the large state hospitals in Sofia: “Pirogov”, “St. Ivan Rilski ”, Alexandrovska, we will install mobile equipment such as a van, in which anyone can get a consultation from a doctor, get tested for COVID-19 and, if necessary, be referred for further testing.

– What people will be housed in hotels and sanatoriums and what medical personnel will attend them?

– What the Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova informed me is that the Ministry of Tourism has held talks with the industry, as a result of which we have their proposal to collaborate with their bases. At this stage, I don’t think it’s necessary. It is good to know that such a provision exists, but let’s not forget that the country’s medical institutions in general have more than 44 thousand beds for active treatment.

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– When will the actual sanctions against unscrupulous citizens begin?

– By real sanctions you probably understand the wording of acts. If so, I assure you it has not stopped. The inspections are carried out on both legal entities and natural persons: quarantined and isolated persons, hospitals, social residences, nurseries and kindergartens, beverage establishments, gambling halls, retail chains and everything you can imagine. . We also have acts in public transport, we have them, written for citizens who do not use personal protective equipment.

– When will private hospitals really accept coronavirus patients?

– Private hospitals accept these patients at this time. Remember that we have said that all “red zone” hospitals have provided 10% of their beds for COVID-19 patients. In the “orange” the percentage is five. I think that whoever has not fulfilled my request so far has already done so. If not, as a result of the inspections and penalties it will.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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