Bernie Sanders predicts what will happen exactly after the US elections VIDEO


We can only guess what America would be like today if Bernie Saners had spoken out against Trump instead of Joe Biden.

Namely, the Vermont Sanders senator on Jimmy Fallon’s show made assumptions that so far turned out to be completely true.

“Donald Trump is trying to undermine American democracy and stifle the vote,” he said.
Things got pretty accurate when Fallon asked Sanders how the count would go.

“The election is on November 3 and the results will be known a few days later,” he said.
“When do you think we’ll know the results?” Asked Fallon.

Then Sanders expressed his concern.

“That worries me. My take is that all votes should be counted … I guess we have situations in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin where there will be a lot of mail ballots. States like Florida and Vermont will not be able to start processing. these ballots for Election Day, or maybe the end of voting, which means we’ll have states dealing with millions of ballots, and this is what worries me: Polls show that Democrats will vote more by mail and that Republicans will go to the polls on Election Day. The first votes to be counted are likely to be those cast on Election Day, that is, Republicans. Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, which is why Trump appears on television and says “thank you Americans who re-elected me as your president.”

Sanders later predicted that mailed ballots would slowly start to count and Biden’s votes would increase.

“But the next day, all those votes in the mail will be counted, and it turns out that Biden won in those states. Then Trump will say, ‘See?’ I told you that everything would be faked. I told them the votes in the mail would be faked.

And as we can see, it happened that Trump led Michigan and Wisconsin, but in the end Biden won.

Trump has already called for an end to the counting of mail-in ballots, saying they were falsified.

Translation: BLIC
