He proposed 6 new measures to stop the infection, abandoned them for hours (Video, review)


Health Minister Kostadin Angelov was with Associate Professor Angel Kunchev at the briefing, but later rejected his proposals for stricter measures. PHOTO: THE AUTHOR

3 were the critical points: Sofia, Burgas and Shumen. They make special hospitals for COVID if half of the capital’s beds are occupied

A package of 6 additional measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus infection was proposed by the Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, in a briefing at the Ministry of Health on Thursday.

However, a few hours later, the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, announced that there would be no changes.

“The current measures are working, they must be observed and controlled. We have several critical points in the country: Sofia, Burgas and Shumen. We must strengthen these places, the State must be stable, we must all be united and in solidarity, we must have understanding and reason to emerge alive and healthy from this epidemic, ”the Minister motivated the decision to reject new measures to the BNT. Kunchev’s measures were discussed throughout Thursday afternoon, but there was no need for them at the moment.

It was possible

Only be

return the greens

hallways for


for the elderly and chronically ill. And from 8 to 10 in the morning the others should not enter the stores.

Afternoon for restaurants across the country until 10 pm or 11 pm; transition to online learning for all fifth to seventh grade students along with high school and college students; up to 50% employee attendance at companies that don’t have the opportunity to switch completely online; abolition of the 10-day quarantine for doctors, contact of an infected person and authorization from the Ministry of Health for second medical specialists from different hospitals included the main proposals of Associate Prof. Kunchev.

“I do not share

100% optimistic



that with this rate of compliance with the measures and the increase in cases we will achieve who knows how many results ”, he said on the second consecutive day with more than 4,000 new infections.

“We are currently entering an extremely serious phase of the epidemic. The spread of the virus is diffuse throughout the country and we cannot stop it,” the Health Minister said yesterday at a briefing. However, it considered that there was no need for further measures. For now, we maintain good places in terms of morbidity and mortality, but it depends on all of us and our proper understanding of the situation, said the minister. It was extremely important to reduce the pressure on the system and the doctors who have been at the front since March.

“I feel uncomfortable when I see people who do not follow the measures and look for loopholes in the law to break discipline. It costs a human life

No time for


but for the mind

for solidarity, restoring trust in Bulgarian doctors and supporting each one of them, ”he called.

With the new 4,054 cases reported yesterday, the assets reached 41,178. Thus, the number of infected in our country on Thursday turned out to be 430 per 100,000 inhabitants. The average incidence of the last two weeks is 388 per 100,000, with more than 120,000 entering the red zone. So far, only 3 districts remain in orange: Dobrich, Silistra, and Vidin.

Dobrich is an example

as in compliance

of the measures

The situation is


Kunchev announced, recalling that the area was in critical condition several months ago.

On Thursday, 54 new coronavirus victims were reported, 15 of whom had no comorbidities. 5.2 per 100,000 is the death rate in our country during the last 14 days, which places us in tenth place in the EU and fourth in the Balkans.

There is an increase in mortality in Bulgaria, even among young people, but this is because medical help is sought late, when almost the entire lung is affected, explained the Minister of Health. The doctor’s expert evaluation, even over the phone, can save a human life, he was categorical and asked people not to self-medicate, but to find a doctor.

3200 reached the number of hospitalized. 30% of the beds for COVID patients are occupied. 20% of the places in intensive care units are occupied. An additional 1000 hospital beds have been opened in Sofia with the new order for large hospitals to allocate another 200. A total of 3000 beds for coronavirus patients in Sofia already have, of which 250 are intensive.

If 50% of absolutely all hospital beds in Sofia are filled, not just the COVID ones, separate hospitals will be established just for the treatment of the coronavirus, Angelov announced.

“The pressure in the Sofia hospitals is extremely serious. Many people call on the phone to ask what to do. At the first symptoms of discomfort, stay home and if the problems get worse, call your doctor. There should be differentiation in treatment If the personal doctor takes mild cases from the first day until the moment he has to be admitted to the hospital, it will be much easier for us, “explained the head of” Pirogov “Prof. Asen Baltov.

The Minister of Health expected yesterday the delivery of another 1,700 vials of remdesivir. Another 4,300 would arrive in two weeks.
