Ivan Kostov: Even if necessary, Borisov does not dare to toughen the measures


Even if the Prime Minister wants to close the country, he cannot, because he does not have that trust and support from society, which will allow him to take the measures he takes. This was stated to BNR Ivan Kostov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria in the period 1997-2001, on the occasion the health crisis in our country.

According to him, the lack of public trust does not allow the prime minister to take stricter measures.

People do not trust them and do not implement the measures, because it is related to trust in the institutions themselves, and trust is undermined by the institutions themselves, because they give contradictory instructions, Kostov explained. According to him, the constantly changing measurements suggest that ncrisis management in the pits.

He was convinced that competent people are not at the head of the institutions that have to deal with the crisis.

Angel Kunchev insists on stricter measures

Angel Kunchev insists on stricter measures

I do not share the optimism of some of the governments, said the chief health inspector.

Why did the chief health inspector, who said he did not know what to do, stop at the post, to give the opportunity to stand there for someone who knows? According to him, the great work should have been done, starting with the Minister of Labor and Social Policy and ending with the Minister of Sports. They all had to do great things, but they didn’t, the former prime minister said.

According to his warnings were not heeded and evaluated his efforts on the issue as pointless, recalling that he had given an evaluation in early August, allowing in 3 months to make preparations to face the second wave of coronavirus, which he said is much more serious than the first. .

The former prime minister expressed concern that if the number of beds maintained in the country’s hospitals for the treatment of infectious patients is currently exceeded by four times, then After November 17, these beds are expected to double and 6,000 to be hospitalized.

1276 are medical people infected with coronavirus - 90 are treated in hospital

1276 are medical people infected with coronavirus – 90 are treated in hospital

Notice the measurements and the distance, called Kostadin Angelov.

According to him, this means doubling the number of people in intensive care units; while the current ratio is maintained, there will be around 450 people who will need intensive care.

Kostov said that the country is on the verge of the impotence of the institutions to face a health crisis, which has required a lot of work since February.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Now he is dealing with means that suggest a panic reaction. “He noticed.

Kostov also stressed that the state should not allow people to become infected in their jobs and asked why there is no registry of the most vulnerable people of infection and will give the highest number of victims.

Borissov feels safer, he will not close the country

Borissov feels safer, he will not close the country

The healthy should function, the infected should be quarantined, and the sick should receive treatment.

According to The statistics that are reported daily on coronavirus infection are of poor quality. and it cannot be trusted much.

People who cannot read numbers and statistics cannot handle the crisis, he said.

About Budget 2021 Kostov noted that the bill destroys a 23-year-old political consensus on the country’s financial stability, which he said had been achieved by the United Democratic Forces since 1997.

“The current Minister of Finance, Kiril Ananiev, was then Deputy Minister of Finance and knows very well the hardships and difficulties that we overcome to get the country out of the financial catastrophe of the government of Jean Videnov. I don’t know why now he has promised to destabilize even such a point. the country’s budget, “he said, puzzled.

Simeonov expects bags of corpses also in our country, if we fight the pandemic only with political slogans

Simeonov expects bags of corpses also in our country, if we fight the pandemic only with political slogans

Political decisions prevailed over those of the health authorities
