New measures under study: offices with half staff and again “green corridors” for shopping


Bulgaria is entering an extremely serious phase of the COVID epidemic. The warning comes from the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, in the context of a new record of infection in our country, for the second day in a row with more than 4000 new infections.


The newly infected are 30% of the little more than 13,000 PCR tests performed. 403 were cured. Unfortunately, the death rate remains high: 53 people died.


The growth of hospitalized patients continues to be alarming, already almost 3,200. About 30% of the country’s COVID beds are occupied.

Data on the distribution of COVID-19 by district for the past week shows that there are no more green or yellow areas.


Only Vidin, Dobrich, and Silistra remain orange. The other 25 districts are in red, or with a morbidity of more than 120 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Return in old measurements

The return of some of the measures of the first months of the crisis is being considered. Health officials said the virus was already spreading diffusely and difficult to control. According to the Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, it is necessary to extend the current measures at least until the end of November. New restrictions are also offered:

  • Restaurants and cafes to work until 10 pm or 11 pm;
  • The employees in the offices will be limited to 50%, the rest will be remote;
  • “Green corridor” where only people from risk groups can buy;

The Minister of Health requested compliance with the measures. “We advise all citizens to avoid crowds and limit travel. From the beginning we have been saying that cases will increase in the fall,” commented Prof. Angelov.

Lack of beds and doctors

In Sofia, the number of free beds for COVID patients is 3,000. There are currently about 700 hospitalized. The pressure on hospitals is becoming more serious, warned the director of Pirogov, Prof. Asen Baltov.

Pirogov is one of the hospitals that has increased its beds. I also want to thank all the citizens who follow the measures and help us in this way, ”he said.

It will be emphasized that the Minister of Health has the authority to send physicians to medical institutions where they are needed.
