There is no controllability of the COVID-19 crisis


“My warnings were not heeded,” Ivan Kostov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria between 1997 and 2001, told BNR. He stressed that he gave an assessment and forecast as early as August 1, which was delayed between 40 and 50 days, but gave the opportunity in 3 months to prepare to face the second wave of the pandemic crisis, that his words are much more serious than the first.

“Now I realize that my efforts to get involved have been futile and I am pessimistic about the effect of this interview,” Kostov said, recalling that he had given 10 interviews since the outbreak.

According to the former prime minister, if the number of beds maintained in the country’s hospitals for the treatment of infectious diseases is now exceeded four times, after November 17 we should expect these beds to double, to become about 6,000 hospitalized patients :

“It also means doubling the number of people in intensive care units, if the current ratio is maintained, there will be about 450 people who will need intensive care.”

According to Kostov, the country is on the verge of the helplessness of the institutions to face a health crisis:

“This crisis has required a lot of work – since February – to lead the country on a path between the humanitarian crisis and the health crisis. This time the authorities have lost it. Now we are acting with means that suggest a reaction of panic.”

Ivan Kostov insisted that the lack of public confidence did not allow the prime minister to take stricter measures:

“People do not trust them and do not implement the measures because it is about trust in the institutions themselves, and trust is undermined by the institutions themselves because they give contradictory instructions. The measures are constantly changing, under review. This suggests that they are not. there is crisis management “. .

According to him, competent and expert people are not in charge of the institutions that have to manage the crisis:

“Why did the chief health inspector, who said he did not know what to do, stop at the post, to give someone who knows the opportunity to stand there? of Labor and Social Policy and ending with the Minister of Sports. Everyone had to do great things, not do them.

The state should not allow people to become infected in their workplaces, he stressed:

“Who said which professions are defended as a priority? How do we protect those most affected? Why is there no registry of people who are most vulnerable to infection and will give more victims”?

Ivan Kostov described as low quality the statistics according to which the data of being infected with Covid-19 are announced daily:

“You can’t trust much. You can’t handle it. It doesn’t advertise to people who have recovered, who have been cured at home. According to statistics, in our country people get sick for a month on average, it can’t be” . so be it “.

People who cannot read numbers and statistics cannot handle the crisis, Kostov added.

The former prime minister of Bulgaria was strict in his assessment of the 2021 budget:

“The 2021 budget bill destroys a 23-year-old political consensus on the country’s financial stability. May those who do so listen to me well. The facts show that it was achieved by the United Democratic Forces government in 1997. The current one Minister of Finance, Kiril Ananiev, was then Deputy Minister of Finance and knows very well the hardships and difficulties that we overcome to get the country out of the financial catastrophe of the government of Jean Videnov. the country. “

Kostov explained that pandemics are unique processes, no matter how long they last, and a single process faces one-time extraordinary costs, such as the 60 by 40 measure:

“There is an epidemic situation, there is a measure, there is no epidemic situation, there is no measure. Budgetary expenditures are constantly increasing, for pensions, for social benefits. This is unacceptable in response to extraordinary circumstances of the epidemic. This unacceptable spending policy it will lead to excessive structural deficits. This will rapidly increase the country’s debt and with it the interest costs for servicing it. The state will weaken and have fewer opportunities. “

Ivan Kostov predicts that the real reason for the planned financial destabilization is the government’s preparation for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

For the US presidential race, predict a victory for Joe Biden if he gets the votes in Nevada.

