The 7 new measures to be proposed in Bulgaria are clear



The Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev does not share the optimism on the part of the government about the kovid-19 epidemic, said at a press conference, said a reporter

Here’s what Adjunct Professor Kunchev said:

“What to do? I have prepared 2 proposals in 7 points:

– extend the measures against the epidemic at least until the end of November;

– Limiting work, including that of establishments that we have not closed so far, to 10 pm or 11 pm, is a measure that is applied in most European countries;

– limitation of the current work in the office to a maximum of 50%;

– proposal to the Ministry of Education and Science – to introduce distance education to entire areas;

– stop extracurricular activities for all schools and all classes;

– Higher schools go completely to distance education, except for medicine and exercises;

– Restoration of a green corridor from 8 am to 10 am for people over 65 and not having the right to buy at another time.

Do not apply a 10-day quarantine to contact medical staff, but return to work after a negative PCR test performed 3 days after contact.

Urgently authorize the Minister of Health to transfer medical specialists from various health establishments to those in need. It is about including doctors from pre-hospital care to equalize the workload ”.

The Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, specified that each measure will be specified. “Many of these measures have already been implemented in the country. All the schools that apply for distance education are satisfied, but there are schools where there are no positives, ”he said. At this time, an option for a complete school closure is not being discussed.

“The time will come to evaluate the level of education. Each measure must be considered, applicable, controlled, understood by Bulgarian citizens so that it has a medical effect, otherwise it will remain on paper,” the minister explained.

The Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev refuted the accusations of total chaos in the system. “3,200 patients are currently in hospitals, receiving full medical care. It is easy to find three who have had an ambulance delay or a misunderstanding. Where is the chaos? Under incredible pressure?” He asks.

Global data on the incidence of covid-19 shows that the worst situation is in Europe and the continent is in dark red on the medical map. Only in Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Greece is the situation less difficult.

In Bulgaria, in the monitoring of morbidity at 14 days, 388 positive cases per 100,000 have been identified, which places our country in 18th place in the EU and fourth in the Balkans. The death rate in Bulgaria is 5.2 per 100,000. In the Czech Republic and Belgium, more than 1,400 per 100,000 morbidity are reported, with mortality rates of 19.1 and 11.4, respectively.

In the red zone of the medical card are all the districts of Bulgaria, except Vidin, Dobrich and Silistra, which are in the orange zone, said Associate Professor Kunchev. He added that the epidemiological curve is skyrocketing and we have reached 900 tests per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to the EU average of about 2,000, although there are countries with 7,000 tests per 100,000 inhabitants.

Between 30 and 35% of those analyzed tested positive for covid-19.
