It is? Was Professor Mutafchiiski right that he would die a lot?



Journalist Daniela Gorcheva spoke on Facebook about General Ventsislav Mutafchiiski’s words from some time ago that if the anti-epidemic measures are not observed, “he will die a lot”:

It is? Was Professor Mutafchiiski right when he said that we would die badly? He was correct. A person needs a bit of intelligence, but it should get to him in time. But let us remember the bitter lessons that will unfortunately cost us human lives and especially the lives of the already few Bulgarian doctors and doctors who have not left the territory of Bulgaria and are here selflessly. And here are some takeaways from today’s sad reality.

1. The simpleton, the cynic and the illiterate with power and authority is dangerous not only for your money, for your well-being, but also for your health and for your life.

2. An irresponsible journalist who cannot distinguish unfounded accusations from facts and who manipulates (intentionally or due to his own ignorance and prejudices) public opinion is dangerous to his health and life.

3. Ignorance, simplicity, belief in conspiracy theories, rejection of logical thinking, mangroves are dangerous to your health and life. And that of your relatives, those around you and, in this case, the doctors. Keep a distance of two arms outstretched.
