#lockdown was on social media, I want all students to be online


Adjunct Professor Dobrin Vasilev

The Ministry of Education and Science continues to insist on face-to-face learning in primary and secondary schools

The hashtag “Lockdown” was on social networks, shared under the analysis of the need for one of the prominent doctors such as the head of cardiology at Alexandrovska Hospital Prof. Dobrin Vassilev.

“The truth is that we need an immediate shutdown, closing all distribution routes. These are schools, universities (distance education), home offices, restaurants, bars, evening classes.

At least three

weeks. After

this opening

under strict measures

Mandatory masks everywhere, distance and disinfection. Otherwise, the same: closure in a context of uncontrollable mortality and total blockade of the entire country. When critical numbers of public transport drivers, medical staff and administration become ill, everything spontaneously crashes. But the price will be much higher. ”This warning from Professor Vassilev is shared by the director of“ Open Society ”, Georgi Stoychev, marking the post with #lockdownnow.

“A blockade is coming soon, whether you like it or not. Either it will happen voluntarily and on time, or it will be totally catastrophic with no system working and people dying on the streets. Everything we talked about is happening. I warned about the death toll and all the rest (4041 infected, 210 critically ill, 106 doctors, etc., with a little testing, you will see soon) weeks ago, many times. Every day or two of loss without effective measures means a delay of a week in long-term recovery. And no, the blockade is not only against the economy, it is

the best

something in favor of

the economy,

without it we will not restore it for years … In one case years, in the other perhaps decades … ”This is what the teacher and educational expert Petar Velkov wrote yesterday.

Sociologist and former CEC spokesman Tsvetozar Tomov joins the vote for an urgent tightening. “It is not just that in terms of the number of confirmed cases per 100,000 people, we are among the top 5 in the world with a tendency to become leaders. Belgium, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, countries with worse data than ours, test much more In addition, we are the only seriously affected country in which deaths are increasing at the same rate. (…) If we continue not to mobilize, in November we will have 3 consecutive days with more than 100 deaths. Isn’t it time for extreme measures ? “If we sleep another 10 days, we will walk down the road to a complete humanitarian catastrophe,” he wrote.

Pulmonologist Alexander Simidchiev compared the situation to a growing fire. “When you have minor complaints such as nasal congestion, scratching in the throat, fever, even if it is low, keep in mind that in medicine we work with something called preliminary probability. Currently, there are no other respiratory infections that cause this type of discomfort. No influenza A , no flu B. What we have is a coronavirus. If you have such complaints, you are more likely to have a coronavirus. “Isolate yourself, do not spread the infection,” he urged.

The Ministry of Education and Science continues to be present for the younger students. In the red zones (all districts except Vidin and Dobrich) secondary schools remain online after November 12. For the rest, the criterion is that in the 20% of those absent with flu symptoms, the class stays at home.

On Wednesday 859 were teachers with a proven infection in the country. Only in Sofia there are 288, a total of 477 are in quarantine, 5834 students are isolated. So far, 7 primary and lower secondary schools in the capital have been connected.
