The fierce battle in the US elections is over details like gender


The election in the United States is like this because a part of the world, the real one, is waging a tough battle against neoliberalism and the anti-human theories that have developed in recent years, summarized in the word “globalism.”

It includes details such as gender, the disappearance of human identity, the world is on the brink and that is why this activity is a fierce battle. These elections are an extremely important moment for humanity. This is what “Trud” editor-in-chief Petyo Blaskov said on Nova TV’s “Intersection Point”.

What socialism once wanted: a world revolution, now the world revolution has been replaced by globalism. The moment is key for the development of humanity in these elections, that is why this activity, therefore, for the billions spent, said Petyo Blaskov.

Each state in the United States has a certain number of electoral districts, for example California – 55, but in this election there is a very interesting rule, which does not apply only in 2 states, this is the rule that wins, wins all – all voters, the editor-in-chief explained. “Work.”
We need to overcome the hysteria.

In the battle with this sinister miracle there is no logic, you act on the concrete situation. It is important that there is some order in these actions, that they are the result of some evaluation, analysis and that they reduce the chaotic actions, said Petyo Blaskov in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Do we know how this virus mutates? We do not know. These 4,000 are either infected with this virus, which infected them in the spring, or are infected with a mutated variant of it, Blaskov asked. Stopping the sad faces of reporters, who only report statistics and tragic events, should stop speaking out against doctors and hospitals, it is like speaking against his mother and father, he commented.

There is no logic in the actions that we are trying to face in the face of the pandemic, it is nature, it does what it wants, we do not know it well enough. Bet on action after a good, good analysis. It seems to me that Bulgaria lacks an analytical center. This analytical center must develop the schemes to act, added the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Trud”.
