“Borisov 3” inflicts heavy damage, it’s time for the next cabinet


The Bulgarian Republicans, the newly formed party of the former second in GERB – Tsvetan Tsvetanov, harshly criticized the management of the “Borisov 3” cabinet in every respect. According to them, the government inflicts serious damage on the image of Bulgaria nationally and internationally, causes loss of human life in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and financial stability is broken.

Here is the full position of “Republicans for Bulgaria”:

The constitutional debate is just beginning and it is already clear to everyone that the adoption of a new Constitution is impossible. It is obvious that in its attempt to convene a Grand National Assembly, the ruling majority wanted only one thing: to remain in power. The goal of this move was achieved when the cabinet managed to steal a few more months. However, the devastating consequences for the country are already visible in at least three areas: damage to the image, human victims and some 10 billion BGN.

Severe damage to the image nationally and internationally. The seizure of power took place in a context of intense and prolonged civil protests. At the national level, Borissov’s move caused a collapse of public trust in all state institutions and in the political process. The illegitimate government continues to erode statehood. Internationally, Bulgaria is increasingly being equated with Belarus. We are losing the trust of our Euro-Atlantic partners, but we are forcing Russian energy projects. The next cabinet will have to deal with the next sanctions.

Loss of human life. The government’s lack of legitimacy is already directly affecting human lives. Rather than use the summer to prepare the healthcare system to face the expected heaviest COVID wave, all the energy of the state was harnessed to ensure Borissov remained in power. The government’s priority during these critical months was not the life and health of Bulgarian citizens, but the stillborn project of a new Constitution. The result is obvious: the health care system is poorly organized, doctors are exhausted, hospitals are returning patients, and people who could be saved are dying. The next cabinet will have to deal with the dire consequences.

Broken financial stability. There are also devastating results in terms of the country’s finances. In the last two months, Borisov’s presence in power has cost Bulgarian citizens BGN 10 billion. The extreme populism of the introduced budget shows the desperation of the ruling party in its quest to buy a few more moments of power. The financial stability of the country no longer means anything. The next cabinet will have to deal with the debt spiral.

All this shows only one thing: every day of the cabinet “Borisov 3” is disastrous for the life and future of the Bulgarian citizens. We, from the Republican Party for Bulgaria, believe that the only way out of this difficult situation for the country is the recognition of political realities. It can only stop the severe collapse of the state, the loss of human life and valuable financial resources. The solution is one: immediate resignation and early voting. Let’s make way for the next cabinet.

Sofia, Bulgaria
