Lilyana’s principal wrote a decree about the vodka bottle scandal in class, the teacher was to blame



The director of the Sofia University “St. Patriarch Evtimiy” Valentina Stoencheva published a comment about the incident with the schoolgirl of the IX class “d” of vodka and Professor Ivan Kutsarov, later released, said a journalist. The dramatic scene took place last week and the director posted her opinion on the social network Facebook. We publish it without editorial intervention:

“On the occasion of all the lies and accusations written on social networks in connection with the post of Ivan Kutsarov, a former professor at the University of Sofia” Saint Patriarch Evtimii “,

On behalf of all past, current, and future teachers, on behalf of all past, current, and future students!

I stand behind my name – Valentina Stoencheva – director of the University of Sofia “St. Patriarch Evtimii” – Plovdiv. I am a principal, but also a teacher, and when false statements circulate on social media, I am obligated to protect my school, my colleagues and my students. .


The teacher is released, not fired! He was appointed substitute for a colleague who was on sick leave and he, by signing his contract, is aware that it is until the return of the owner. The incumbent returned to work on November 2, 2020. Ivan Kutsarov worked only 1 month in a replacement school on a fixed-term contract.

The meeting with Mr. Kutsarov on the day of his release is not the only one, nor have we known it.

I don’t know how a teacher who claims to be a good teacher will post videos of underage students filmed in his class on social media. Although the student’s face was hidden ex post facto after the videos were uploaded, it is not allowed or legal to do so. Yes, it can happen to anyone, and at our school we do not ignore anyone’s offense to retain students for the delegated budget.

Anyone who breaks the rules receives the punishment they deserve, including in this case. A procedure has been initiated since the offense was established, parents and students involved in the incident have been notified, both the girl in the photo and those who are taking photographs. It has always been like this, now it will be like that. And anyone who works or has worked for us as a teacher can attest to that.

At the meeting, the teacher asked him what mistakes he had made. I pointed out 3 to him: his inability to deal with discipline in his classes, the inadmissibility of not being able to master the class he teaches and allowing students to film in class for a few minutes, as evidenced by school video surveillance and missed classes on Thursday – 5 hours during which you did not enter any online class. The man did not call anyone until the end of the day’s classes, nor did he come to the school to say that there was a problem and that there was no device; They would provide it to him as to anyone with a problem.

According to the Labor Code, he should be on leave that day. According to the Labor Code and the job description you have signed, you should know that you are obliged to: report to work on time and be at work until the end of the working day; perform their work in the required quantity and quality and be loyal to the employer, not abuse their trust and not divulge confidential information about him, as well as maintaining the good name of the company.

His youth and lack of experience is no excuse given that he was assisted in the month he worked for us, and in the problem of not taking classes, he did not inform anyone about the lack of a device and the impossibility of taking classes. to be resolved in a timely manner.

The teaching profession is multifaceted and I shared with him that it is not enough just to have academic knowledge in his field, but as a teacher, as he claims to be, to be able to create a good organization and dominate the class in which he teaches. Because being a teacher does not mean being in front of the students and telling the lesson, a teacher is much more than that and he should know it as a young man.

As a director, I don’t feel bad, nor have I lied “brutally”, nor have I ever told my colleague that he is guilty, nor that his discipline has been shocking, nor have I used “crazy excuses”. This is not my style or my vocabulary, and all my classmates and students who know me know that it is so.

I do not think that our desire, mine and that of all the other colleagues to build the image of the school, is a bad thing and the 122 teachers and 22 non-teachers do it every day. This is written in the Labor Code, in the Preschool and School Education Law, and in the Regulation of school activity. Any institution worth its salt insists on preserving its good name and prestige, whether state, municipal or private.

It is a pity that a young man, who studied for 7 years at the University of Sofia “Saint Patriarch Evtimii”, tarnished the name of his own school for his mistakes. Do you think I should thank him for the work done, as he wrote that he hopes?

And for all those who have expressed doubts about the success of our school, my school, you can consult the website of the University of Sofia “San Patriarca Eutimio”; he will tell you much more than I can write here. “
