Professor Vitanov with surprising words what awaits us with K-19 after Black October, yes …


One in 30 Bulgarians is a carrier of the coronavirus. This shows the statistics after the black October, in which the cases of infected increased by more than 36,000.

“The formula is the following: we multiply the number of active cases by eight and we obtain the real number of positive people.” Currently, about 240,000 people are carriers of the virus. However, 90% of them do not know they have coronavirus, but they can become infected. That is why it is so important to wear masks “, explained to” Telegraph “the mathematician of the National Operations Headquarters Prof. Nikolay Vitanov.

Is this the news we are waiting for COVID-19 in Bulgaria? The infected are …

According to him, the health system is about to collapse. “The most important thing now is to fall below 2,000 cases a day to get out of this developed turbulence in which we find ourselves,” added the expert.

The record day so far was from Thursday to Friday night, when the country’s laboratories showed 2,891 new infections. Thus, until yesterday their total number reached 51,041.

For comparison, at the beginning of October the cases detected were 20,833.

There is a significant increase both in the number of active cases, which already exceed 30,000, and in the number of hospitalized patients.
The death toll from the coronavirus also rose to 1,279.
