Prof. Kamrad: Herd immunity against COVID-19 is impossible, this is a Stone Age idea


Immunity is against the coronavirus too short and disappears by itself, a herd immunity is impossible.

Such a position was expressed to Deutsche Welle by Prof. Thomas Kamrad, President of the German Immunology Society and Director of the Institute of Immunology at the University Clinic of Jena.

“Two months of immunity is the minimum, and this does not apply to everyone, but only to some people. Scientists are unanimous that in people who have had the disease with few or no symptoms, the antibodies are shorter, than in patients with severe symptoms. But it is too early for final conclusions, because we have known about the virus for only 9 months and we do not know how many patients will have antibodies in two years, for example, “Professor Kamrad commented.

According to him, most people with COVID-19 have immunity for more than two months, but no one knows what the situation will be two years later.

More than 10 million people are already infected by the coronavirus in Europe

More than 10 million people are already infected by the coronavirus in Europe

The third most affected region in the world

He insists that achieving herd immunity naturally is impossible.

“About me Herd immunity without immunization is a Stone Age concept. Waiting for so many people to get infected so that society can get group immunity in this way is completely impossible in this case, even because the duration of immunity against this virus is obviously too short. The only way to build herd immunity is with a safe and effective vaccine that offers long-term protection, “said Prof. Kamrad.

According to him, loss of immunity against coronavirus due to a mutation is unlikely to occur.

“In principle, the mutation is not ruled out, but coronaviruses do not mutate as often. Therefore, I would say that it is unlikely that the acquired immunity will be lost due to the mutation of the virus. The main problem is that immunity is short-lived and goes away on its own.“- explains the immunologist.

Prof. Thomas Camrad studied medicine in Cologne, Vienna and Berlin and worked at the Bonn University Clinic, the Charité Hospital in Berlin and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

A new leap for those infected with the coronavirus in us - 2891

A new leap for those infected with the coronavirus in us – 2891

29 people died
