Dr. Branzalov: We still have a problem with the diagnosis of COVID-19


According to him, a solution must be found

“We still have problems diagnosing the coronavirus in outpatient care. We see an understanding from the Ministry of Health, but this problem needs to be clarified.” This was stated on the air of “Awake” by the vice president of the Bulgarian Medical Union, Dr. Nikolay Branzalov.

“So far, we have received information after a patient has been tested. It goes up to the National Information System and from there the family doctor sees it. A very small number of people have managed to get tested through the Fund Health Insurance, most pay for the test, “he explained.

More than 50,000 are already infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria

According to him, the general practitioners remained in the shadows during the pandemic. “When we have a health problem, we always look for a personal doctor. Hospitals are overloaded, colleagues are exhausted. Some patients will be transferred to outpatient care. General practitioners are very important,” said Dr. Branzalov.

How to use the disinfectant correctly

According to him, infected doctors in our country are about 10% of patients. “No matter how strong a person’s defenses are, at any given moment they cannot handle these constant attacks against him. We see that our main specialists are sick, even though they wear protective gear,” he said. He added that we still have a lot to learn about COVID-19.

The doctor insists that people should wear masks. “Almost everywhere in Bulgaria the situation is critical. Masks must be worn.” If you don’t wear it, it shows that you are not involved in what is happening.

Watch the entire conversation on the video.

A new symptom of COVID-19 has been found, affecting more than 20% of those infected.


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