Paulo Fonseca: I have faith in my team, but today we lacked speed in our game


Paulo Fonseca commented on the draw against CSKA in the Europa League. The Roma coach said his team had played too slow.

“I think we played without intensity in attack. We had a lot of opportunities, but we made a lot of mistakes in the final pass. We played slowly and without intensity.

Smalling hadn’t trained in a long time. There was no way he could play the whole game. We’ll see if he plays on Sunday or not. I decided not to risk playing longer and changed it.

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This is Borja Mayoral’s second game. He is young and needs time to adapt to our football. He works very hard, but we have to give him time to adjust.

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I think we are much better than last season. It is true that we did many rotations in today’s game and we did not play with the intensity that I wanted. The season is going well so far.

We have problems with injured players. Amadou Diavara, Ricardo Calafiori and Davide Santon are injured, so we have few opportunities for rotations. It is true that our performance in Serie A is different, but this is normal. I take responsibility for rotations in the composition. They are needed. I have faith in the team.

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Source: Twitter

The president is close to the team. Every team needs a sports director. I don’t know who will assume this role in Roma, “said Paulo Fonseca.
