Borissov: There will be no closure of the country, parks, gyms. Act as one


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has promised not to close the country, gyms, hair salons, parks and restaurants. At 10:30 p.m., he went live to his official Facebook account after the videoconference of the members of the European Council on COVID-19.

Explaining the ministers’ decisions and the vaccine, the prime minister said he had discussed whether an order should be issued or whether there should be an evening class.

“People are dying, hospitals are congested, let’s be careful, there are things checked, a mask, disinfection, congestion less distance. The vaccine will arrive in April at the earliest. Whatever they say, I am convinced that in the winter months This Bulgaria will behave well, our measures-measures, the economy works, agriculture, the money for the 60/40 measure has increased ”, he said and announced that he is categorically against the total closure and restriction of the people.

“That is why it is very important that we all behave as one so that there are no prohibitions. In good order, there is no need to close gyms, hairdressers, restaurants when observing the distance. Those who want to kiss and sing without masks, we cannot solve it and it will be closed, “added Boyko Borissov. According to him, however, parks, corridors, gardens must function and people must control themselves so that nothing else is necessary.

“Closure – if we are afraid, we must take action and it should not happen. There are medicines, money for frontline doctors, our doctors and nurses are heroes, let’s observe the quarantine for them,” concluded the prime minister.

Another measure to support the economy was announced live by Borissov: he proposed to his deputies to consider a change in the law and the VAT on restaurants that deliver food at home so that it becomes 9%.

Borissov did not miss his health status, as he is in quarantine with a positive test for coronavirus. “I am sick on the fourth day, but I can fulfill my duties, I strictly follow the prescriptions, I learned to do it myself. Please stay with the doctors. The best volunteer activity is when you see someone who does not follow quarantine, give them a comment. humane and very friendly, “said the prime minister.

He explained what was decided on the issue of vaccines in the Council of the EU.

“I presented to the Council that some vaccines are innovative and require infrastructure of dry ice, refrigerated trucks, freezers, airplanes, storage and everything that is needed from this type of vaccine. Therefore, I asked the EC to place the orders Fair, to give them first The staff, then vulnerable groups, for example, will be decided by the member state, explained Boyko Borissov, adding that he has asked not to impose large payments on the states, since only 3.5 million euros are needed. euros to participate and in total for vaccines for Bulgaria: about 300 million euros.

“It must be clearly defined how many vaccines there will be, how many people will be vaccinated, and then those who buy them will be responsible,” he added.

Borissov has ordered the health minister to hold talks with the attorney generalto evaluate how to act in cases of side effects, it was clear from his words.

“The vaccine manufacturers are not responsible, if something happens to them, everything will go to Bulgaria. The same happens with the ant tests. And if the PCR is positive and the other negative, problems will arise,” he said.

He also directed the EU to study the issue of Chinese and Russian vaccines and raised the issue that in China there are 44 cases per billion and a half. “I don’t know how much is true, how much is not. It makes a strong impression on the EU countries, with 300-400 dead,” added the prime minister.

He also asked to check the competition with Chinese vaccines: “Be transparent and honest with people, be informed about each of the deviations.”

Boyko Borissov also said that it was decided to send one representative each to discuss the situation with the coronavirus – our country will send Prof. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, as a “theoretician, professor”, to allow practical guidance to have clear data before making decisions.

In the Council, all EU member states backed French President Emmanuel Macron and France, condemning today’s terrorist acts.
