Nightclubs open despite ban –


The fun is back, but during the light part of the day

The discos will be open, but only during the day.

Nightclubs will only be open during the day, thus avoiding the order of the Minister of Health to remain closed until November 12, Writes Bulgaria Today.

A few days ago, the owners said that the restrictions in the fight against the coronavirus affect nightclubs and an option for them is to change their working hours. And thus save your business from bankruptcy by operating as restaurants or cafes that do not fall within the limits of the order.

A popular nightclub in the capital’s Student City has already announced on its Facebook page that it will be operating again, opening at 11 in the morning.

“Your health and the health of our staff are important to us and that is why all the necessary and mandatory anti-epidemic measures have been taken, as well as compliance with the necessary social distance. We are waiting for you! ”, Reads the message on the social network.

The news sparked great interest and dozens of people expressed their desire to join in the entertainment without fear of infection and overcrowding.

Restaurant owners also point out that nowhere is it stated what time the bar or disco can be classified as a night. That is why the industry has sent a proposal to the municipality of Sofia and the Ministry of Health for a joint evening class.

The idea of ​​the disco in Student City will likely be followed by other entertainment venues, opening their doors during the daylight portion.
