Hero Mustafa: Fake news spreads like a virus


“Media literacy should be taught in school from an early age. It is a skill that serves us all throughout our lives.” This was stated by the United States Ambassador to Bulgaria, HE Hero Mustafa. He participated in a conference on “Media Literacy in Bulgaria: What have we learned from the crisis?” Although he was quarantined at home, Hero Mustafa sent a video address to all forum participants.

Hero Mustafa isolates himself (VIDEO)

“Technology helps us to spread information, to participate in cultural interconnection without having to be in the same place. They also help us to cooperate, to work on important initiatives. It may be in Washington or Tokyo, but it doesn’t matter anymore, because location is not the only determining factor in cooperation. In this sense, we live in a better world, ”he said.

However, the ambassador stressed that the global dissemination of information at high speed also carries a number of risks and dangers, because the same technology that drives innovation and facilitates cooperation can also generate false news and spread disinformation.

Hero Mustafa opened the American Business Academy for Ladies in Burgas

“Today the news is easy to access, but we all need to know when it comes to lies, rumors, conspiracy theories. In modern technology, all of this spreads like a virus. Therefore, it is our responsibility and goal to ensure that may future generations learn to distinguish truth from fiction, to recognize misinformation and the threat it poses, and to support those who promote transparency, “said Ambassador Mustafa.

To emphasize the importance of teaching media literacy, she set the example with one of her daughters, who is almost 5 years old and is now learning to read and write. “It is not just about teaching him what is written on a page, but also about thinking critically. Ask important questions: what do you read, what do you listen to, what do you watch? This critical thinking is essential, even for the 5-year-old who now I’m learning to read and write, ”said Hero Mustafa.

He also highlighted the increased use of social media as a direct consequence of the global COVID crisis. According to her, this phenomenon is natural because they help us connect with those with whom we cannot see in person at the moment. But social media is a convenient terrain for spreading false information, Hero Mustafa warned.

Hero Mustafa with excellent sports skills (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

In conclusion, the US ambassador to Bulgaria pointed out that independent media play the most important role in the formation of civil society, as well as that they are part of people’s non-formal education. “A vibrant private media sector, a vital public media sector, is of the utmost importance to democracy. It is important to protect the media from outside pressure. This must be enshrined in law.” Any attempt to undermine this independence or concentrating the media in the hands of a few strong personalities opens the door to further weakening these guardians of the public interest, “Mustafa insisted.

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