Coronavirus kills flu: 98% fewer cases this year


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The number of people infected with the flu in the world this year has been reduced by 98% compared to last year, reported the Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti.

Although there is no massive evidence for influenza like for the coronavirus, the World Health Organization says that data around the world shows a drastic decline in cases of this old disease in the world, writes Peter Andrews, geneticist and science journalist , in an author’s text for RT.

He cites Australia as an example, where only one case has been recorded since July, when the country reached the peak of flu season. The situation is similar in many countries, where the flu has completely disappeared in the southern hemisphere, even though it was its season, Dariknews reported.

Andrews argues that there are three reasons why this is so.

“The first is that the flu has disappeared because doctors and scientists wrongly classify other respiratory diseases as Covid-19. At the moment, however, such a theory is treated in a similar way to that of the flat Earth,” he said.

The second is that Covid “suffocated” the flu.

“It seems like you can’t get two viruses at the same time. A recent Yale University study found that of the 13,000 patients treated for respiratory illnesses, none had the cold and flu virus at the same time.” It has even been discovered that lung tissue that has been exposed to viruses that cause colds is resistant to the flu virus, “Andrews wrote.

Scientists object to this theory, Andrews says, because more than a fifth of the population has not been exposed to Covid, so everyone else may be eligible for the flu.

However, if they are wrong, and if Covid is much more prevalent than previously thought, “smothering” the virus is a good theory as to why there is no flu. Although the question remains why the SARS CoV-2 virus “prevails” over the influenza virus, wrote the geneticist and journalist.

“The third possibility is the explanation given by scientists that the measures introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic, such as the use of masks, physical distancing and quarantine, also prevent influenza. But then the question remains: why are these measures working so well against the flu and the coronavirus is spreading so fast? Andrews says.

He adds that proponents of this theory have an explanation that people with Covid are more contagious than those with the flu, because corona has a longer incubation period, and an infected person can infect more people than one person. who has the flu.

“Even if all of this is true, the question remains unanswered as to why the flu is almost completely gone,” Andrews says.
