Mangarov blamed the jeeps: they left the game out of fear and the hospitals overflowed


Associate Professor Atanas Mangarov participated in a debate in Plovdiv on the coronavirus

Unfortunately, the main pillar of health in our country, pre-hospital care, has collapsed. Out of fear, GPs got out of the game and hospitals overflowed. This was said in Plovdiv by associate professor Atanas Mangarov, who participated in a discussion with citizens about the coronavirus.

“When someone has symptoms now, nobody wants to see him. They tell him to go get tested. The positive one stays home alone and the only way to get treatment is to go to the hospital because he only communicates with the jeep by phone.” Mangarov noted. According to him, the virus is not created artificially. According to him, periodically, every few years, such infections enter the human population.

“80% drive COVID without symptoms, 15% have it and only 4-5% are for hospitalization,” emphasized Mangarov. He added that the virus is not dangerous for young, healthy and strong people, as well as for children. But it is a very serious threat to the elderly with comorbidities.

“This group must be protected, but not closed, but explained, spoken. Complete isolation for them will be catastrophic because they need to communicate. For adults with chronic health problems that are controlled, however, the virus is not dangerous,” he said .

He noted that there are currently two ways to combat the pandemic in the world. The first is with the isolation of the sick at home and the healthy go to work and school. The second is the Chinese, with the closure of cities and districts.

“Then the economy goes to the movies. The moment the measures relax, all history repeats itself,” Mangarov said. According to the most appropriate measures, they occurred in Sweden and Belarus. In the first country with a population of 10-11 million, some 5,000 people died, with an average age of more than 85 years. Sweden now has the lowest number of infected people and deaths.

According to Mangarov, massive tests in our country now make no sense. It had to be done in March, at the beginning of the pandemic.

“Now, the more tests are done, the more infected there will be,” he added. He noted that they were infected, most of whom were asymptomatic. According to him, patients with the virus in our country were several hundred people in hospitals. Antibiotic treatment, he said, was like casting your leg before it broke.

Mangarov believes an antibody test should be done now to determine what percentage of the population has been infected and to make predictions.

“It is completely useless to close schools and universities. Efforts must be focused on people who are at risk,” he recommended. He added that “the most closed and masked countries” were now at the top of the blacklist.

“If we continue to blindly imitate them, we can explode even stronger,” Mangarov said. He also expressed doubts about the competence of the members of the national operational headquarters.

In Plovdiv, the infectious disease specialist was invited by ABV, but specified that he came as a doctor, not because of party affiliation.

Party chairman Rumen Petkov asked why there was no information on how many autopsies had been performed to find out the cause of death.
