France and Germany reintroduce national quarantine


Police patrol during the afternoon in Paris.

The French government plans to introduce a one-month national quarantine as a means to combat the growing number of coronavirus infection cases, French television BFM (BFM) reported, cited by Reuters. According to television, the quarantine could take effect at midnight on Thursday.

French President Emmanuel Macron will deliver a televised speech on Wednesday night. His office declined to comment on whether Macron would later announce such a move.

According to BFM, the planned quarantine will be “more flexible” than the strict movement restrictions imposed in France in March this year. Schools may remain open this time, but there will be strict restrictions on movement of people.

Medicine professor Philippe Juven at the Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris told RTL radio that the French should agree to a new national quarantine to combat a new peak in the epidemic, Reuters reported. “We have to accept it,” Juven said.

In France, the curfew was introduced two weeks ago from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. local time in some major cities, including Paris, but statistics continue to deteriorate. Yesterday, the French authorities announced another 532 deaths in the last 24 hours and 33,719 new infections. The total number of people infected with the new coronavirus in France, according to official data, is 1,198,695 people, including 35,541 deaths.

From Monday in Germany It goes into effect for a four-week period of partial quarantine, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced tonight. He spoke at a press conference following a videoconference meeting with the prime ministers of the 16 German Länder, where the decision was made.

These firm measures, which will be in force throughout the country, should make it possible to minimize social contacts and thus stop the rapid spread of the coronavirus, said the German Chancellor. “We must act, and now, to avoid a ‘serious national health emergency,'” he said.

Merkel announced that, as part of the partial quarantine from November 2, restaurants, sports and cultural sites in Germany will be closed. Food establishments may make home deliveries. Unlike the spring national quarantine, schools, kindergartens and shops will remain open.

The German chancellor clarified that the authorities will adjust the measures within two weeks, if necessary. Merkel urged the Germans not to take unnecessary trips. Hotels will not be able to accommodate tourists, he warned.

The German Chancellor announced that the government will provide up to 10 billion euros in additional emergency aid to help the economic sectors that will be affected by the tightening of the measures. Smaller businesses will receive an amount of 75 percent of their unrealized income.

The later we take action against the coronavirus, the more the economy will suffer, Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Zoeder warned.

Berlin Mayor Michael Mueller acknowledged that the partial quarantine was a tough measure, but was optimistic that Germany had a “good chance” of coming out “in good shape.” “Our hope is that (the quarantine) gives us the opportunity to reduce this dramatic situation,” Mueller said.

Earlier today, the Robert Koch Institute announced a record 15,000 new coronavirus cases in Germany in the last 24 hours. Thus, the total number of infected registered in the country with a population of 83 million people exceeded 449 thousand.

27 people have died in the last 24 hours. Thus, the total number of deaths in the country from the disease caused by the new coronavirus reached 10,098. The number of deaths in Germany is lower compared to countries with a similar number of infected, as well as other major European countries. This is partly explained by a good healthcare system.

TO Italy 21,994 new cases of coronavirus have been identified in the last 24 hours, the Health Ministry said last night, cited by Reuters. This is the highest number per day since the start of the epidemic in the country and a new record after the 21,273 infected registered on Sunday. According to the ministry, deaths related to Covid-19 were 221, up from 141 yesterday. Italy has reported more than 200 coronavirus deaths in one day for the first time since mid-May.

Since the beginning of the epidemic in the country, a total of 564,778 people have been registered with the virus and 37,700 of them have died.

The northern region of Lombardy, with Milan as its capital, remains the hardest hit, with 5,035 new people infected throughout the day. The second is the Campania region in southern Italy, where the new cases are 2761.

The Italian government announced last night that it is allocating more than 5,000 million euros to help people with professions most affected by the measures taken against the coronavirus, AFP reported. Restaurateurs, taxi drivers and artists concerned about their future have been protesting in Italy for several days against austerity measures.

“There are people who are suffering and cannot wait,” acknowledged Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. He justified the restriction of working hours in restaurants and bars, as well as the total closure of cinemas, theaters and gyms. He said these were painful but necessary measures to prevent a complete shutdown of Italy.

Britain reported 367 new deaths of Covid-19 patients last night. This is the highest single-day death toll since May 27, government data shows, cited by Reuters. Mortality in the UK from the virus is on the rise this month, and yesterday’s figures are similar to those of March 30, when they stood at 374. It had been a week since the UK’s national quarantine was paralyzed, under which it was placed to be stopped the spread of the virus.

Yesterday’s data shows that the number of new cases registered increased by 22,885 from 20,890 the day before.

The number of deaths from Covid-XIX century Belgium It reached 11,038, according to the latest data from the health authorities. Currently, 5,554 people are hospitalized and this is close to the highest number of 5,715, established on April 7. Belgium yesterday ranked first in the EU in terms of proportion of patients in terms of population.

The proportion of infected in relation to the number of respondents already reaches 22.5 percent. Since the beginning of the epidemic in the country, 347,289 infected people have been confirmed. According to the latest data, around 60 people die every day from the new disease in the country.

On Friday, the Council of State, which has the powers of a constitutional court, will meet in extraordinary session to consider a complaint about the unconstitutionality of the evening hours introduced in Brussels and Wallonia. Also on Friday, the government is expected to announce additional measures to combat the epidemic, without ruling out the resumption of the general quarantine, originally introduced in March.

Czech Republic reported 15,663 new coronavirus cases on October 27, Reuters reported, citing data from the Health Ministry. The total number of cases reached 284,033 and the number of deaths 2,547. Currently, 170,043 people are in treatment. Of these, 6,191 are hospitalized, of which 893 are in serious condition. Experts expect the number of new infections to peak in the middle of next month.

The state of emergency has been in effect in the Czech Republic from October 5, as it was already introduced between March 12 and May 17. The regime is now scheduled for November 3, but the government intends to extend it by a month. Schools, restaurants, bars, clubs, sports and cultural sites, as well as most stores are closed in the country. Work has been suspended in most service shops and retail trade on Sundays has been banned. There is also a curfew from 9 pm to 5 am the next day. Violators of the mandatory mask rule face a fine of up to 10,000 crowns (about 400 euros).

Poland recorded 18,820 new coronavirus infections and another 236 deaths in the last 24 hours, the highest indicators for the country since the beginning of the pandemic. So far, a total of 299,049 infected people have been found in Poland, 4,851 have died and 123,504 have recovered. Almost 13,900 coronavirus patients are being treated in hospitals, of which 1,150 are under artificial ventilation. More than 479,000 people are in quarantine, 47,000 under epidemiological surveillance. Temporary hospitals are being established in Warsaw and other large cities.

“We are concerned that more and more people are dying from the coronavirus. The next few days will be crucial,” Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska said on Polish television.

Due to the increasing morbidity, the Polish authorities returned a few weeks ago the obligation to wear masks everywhere, as well as a number of other restrictions. Restaurants, cafes and bars have been closed since Saturday; They sell food and drinks only at home. As of Monday, all students above the third grade are in distance education. It is forbidden to gather groups of more than 5 people, except people from the same household. The authorities recommend that retirees over 70 do not go out on the streets but use the services of volunteers to deliver food. During the day, teenagers up to 16 years old can only go out if they are accompanied by adult citizens.

The local quarantine has been announced as of today in eight more municipalities in Lithuania, even in the biggest cities: Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda. 21 municipalities out of a total of 60 in the country have already been quarantined. When going out, protective masks are mandatory. It is forbidden to gather in the open air and walk in groups of more than five people, except for people from the same family. Stores and service companies can only work if they provide 10 square meters of space per customer. State and municipal institutions go to remote work.

Since the start of the pandemic in Lithuania, 11,362 people have been registered with the coronavirus, 4,329 have recovered and 141 have died. 27,700 people have been placed in self-isolation.

Russia announced today 16,202 new coronavirus infections and a record 346 deaths in the last 24 hours. Thus, the total number of deaths diagnosed with Covid -19 in the country reaches 26,935. With a total of 1,563,976 infected, nearly 145 million Russia ranks fourth in the world in number of cases after the United States, India and Brazil, according to Reuters.

The situation continues to deteriorate, Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova quoted Reuters as saying in a meeting between President Putin and senior government officials. According to Golikova, there is a critical situation in 16 Russian regions, where more than 90 percent of the capacity of hospital beds is already full.

The authorities in the capital, Moscow, lasted until November 29, when it was recommended to work from home. For students in the upper grades (6th-11th), distance learning continues until November 8th.
