They change the quarantine order for Radev and Borisov


Angel Kunchev PHOTO: Archive

Due to the revoked quarantine cases of President Rumen Radev and Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, the mandatory isolation order in contact with a person infected with COVID-19 will need to be changed. This was made clear in the words of the Chief Sanitary Inspector, Dr. Angel Kunchev, to Free Europe. He is also in quarantine for his contacts with the prime minister, who has a coronavirus.

On Sunday, it became known that Borisov had developed symptoms of the disease. Two days earlier, on Friday, he was quarantined to contact a sick regional deputy minister, Nikolay Nankov. On Saturday, the Sofia Regional Health Inspectorate (SRHI) lifted its restrictions due to a negative PCR test, although there is no such hypothesis in the quarantine order. On Monday, SRZI Director Dr. Dancho Penchev resigned.

A week earlier, the case was similar with President Rumen Radev, who had to return from an emergency visit to Estonia due to contact in Bulgaria with the head of the Air Force sick with coronavirus, Major General Dimitar Petrov. The president made an international visit, although he knew he was a contact person. Upon her return, Radev was quarantined, but after negative tests, the director of SRZI, Dr. Dancho Penchev, announced to the media that he had removed her personally.

Thus, both the president and the prime minister were not isolated for 10 days, as stipulated by order of the Minister of Health.

However, according to Order № RD-01-610 / 22.10.2020 of the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov, however, all close contacts of a confirmed case of COVID-19 are subject to a 10-day quarantine , from your last contact with the infected person. The document does not provide for exceptions or removal from quarantine in the event of a negative PCR test.

“There must be a clear regulation. It is obvious that we cannot close the state, and if we quarantine all the rulers, in practice this is exactly what will happen. That is why the order will describe in which positions it is possible after two tests negative, made in two days, that the quarantine is lifted, ”said Kunchev.

He justified his idea as follows: “Now I am in quarantine, imagine that we closed the entire Ministry of Health because the Minister has contacted the Prime Minister or his deputies have contacted him. Who will move things?

According to Dr. Kunchev, this approach is logical, but since the order was drawn up with no exceptions, it is currently being violated and therefore “people are upset.”

“To avoid such irritation, it must be described very clearly in what positions, in what situations this order can be revoked.”
