The government in quarantine, is the school year also in danger? (OVERVIEW)


Unprecedented situation in Bulgaria! The prime minister and part of the government are in quarantine. Chief prosecutor Ivan Geshev is already isolated. In the middle of the coronary crisis, the resignation of a key employee of the health system. The director of the Sofia Health Inspectorate, Dr. Dancho Penchev, is leaving his post. There is no official reason for this, but a scandal has erupted in recent hours over his decision to lift the quarantine of the president and prime minister.

The capital’s RHI director resigned

In this context, try to save the school year. By order, the Minister of Education allowed the directors of the worst affected areas to announce an online training regime.

The information that the chief prosecutor Ivan Geshev is in quarantine was announced by him, specifying that there is an infected coronavirus in his family. In isolation, but because he is infected himself, there is Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. Which in turn quarantines much of the government.

The cases with high-ranking politicians in recent days have sparked a new scandal: whether the head of the Sofia Health Inspection has the right to end the quarantine of politicians with a negative test, provided there is a clear order to all Bulgarian citizens. So far, the quarantine has ended for the president and prime minister. Borissov’s quarantine was lifted on Saturday and his test came back positive on Sunday. In the context of our attempts to obtain answers from the sanitary inspection, news came that its director, Dr. Dancho Penchev, had resigned.

Ministry of Health: Negative PCR test does not cancel quarantine

Prime Minister Borissov’s condition is stable. It performs its functions, although at a distance. There will be a meeting of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, which will be held online. The prime minister was also active on Facebook, commenting on the political tensions between Turkey and France.

Borissov to Macron and Erdogan: don’t create unnecessary trouble

However, the situation with the quarantine of the statesmen caused scandals around the director of RHI-Sofia, Dr. Dancho Penchev. He lifted the quarantine of the prime minister on Saturday and a day later Borisov tested positive. Earlier, Penchev canceled President Radev’s quarantine. The Ministry of Health announced that a negative PCR test does not mean the end of the quarantine.

The Ministry of Health indicates that the negative laboratory result of a PCR test takes into account only the current state of the person and is not a reason to terminate the quarantine and / or reduce its duration. Later, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov announced that he had accepted Penchev’s resignation. And he was adamant: the 10-day quarantine is for all Bulgarian citizens. Other doctors believe that the head of RHI in the capital made a mistake in lifting the quarantine of the first two men in the country.

“Although the quarantine was lifted, we see that 5 days from the event to the removal of the quarantine are not enough. The minimum is 7 to 10 days. It even has to be 10 days, to be exact. All first-line contacts must be quarantined for 10 days. No matter how much we don’t want it, no matter how important and responsible people are, “said” Pirogov “director Prof. Asen Baltov.

Prof.Baltov: Borissov is stable, Radev must be quarantined

“The ten-day quarantine is scientifically justified. There can be no compromise in this matter. It doesn’t matter a minister’s prime minister, president, minister or public relations. The virus makes no difference,” believes the Center’s Dr. Stoycho Katsarov for the Protection of Health Rights.

Last Monday, President Rumen Radev contacted his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda, who later tested positive for the virus. Today, 8 days later, we asked the presidency if the head of state would cancel his program and remain isolated. The answer was that Radev has 3 negative PCR tests and the resignation of the head of the RHI has nothing to do with the presidential institution.

Here is the situation visually:

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has a confirmed positive test since yesterday. And he’s in mandatory isolation. That is why some of the ministers who contacted him are in quarantine. These are: health Kostadin Angelov, the Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova, Minister of Transport Rosen Zhelyazkov and the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Georg georgiev.

Due to contact with the prime minister, the state’s chief health inspector is also under quarantine. Angel Kunchev. And after the positive test of the vice minister Nikolai Nankov Days ago, three more ministers were quarantined – Petya Avramova, regional development, Kiril Ananiev the Minister of Finance, and Desislava Taneva – the Minister of Agriculture. That is, 7 ministers out of a total of 17 in the cabinet are isolated.

And this is what the situation in the country looks like – 6 are the most affected areas. They fall into the so-called Red Zone – Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Gabrovo, Sliven, Targovishte and Shumen. There are more and more areas called oranges, where the situation is also very tense. For all these areas, the Minister of Education has given the green light to move to online learning.

At the beginning of the school year, the Ministry of Education and Science asked schools to be prepared to completely “switch” to online mode, if necessary. However, so far, only quarantined students have studied remotely. Starting today, all schools can switch to home-based lessons, as long as various conditions are met. One of them is that the school is located in a “red” or “orange” zone in terms of the number of infected. And also have at least 20% of students absent for health reasons.

Today and tomorrow one of the high schools in the capital is closed for disinfection, because on Sunday night one of the teachers tested positive for coronavirus. He has been in contact with various classes that need to be quarantined. The principal also reports a steady increase in children’s absences.

327 are the new cases of COVID-19

“Sometime around October 10, the number of absent students is slowly and slowly increasing, most of them with flu-like symptoms: runny nose, sore throat, general malaise,” he explained.

The latest report shows approximately 35% absence. That is why the principal has already started the procedure to switch to online learning for all students for a period of 10 days. The decision must have the support of the majority of teachers and parents. However, the Minister of Education will have the final say on whether a school should move temporarily online.

“At the moment, we are reluctant to move to e-learning everywhere. We must continue to act locally. The fact is that just as the health system tells you that the main problem is the doctors, we, in some schools, our main The problem is the teachers and the impossibility of replacing them ”, explained Krassimir Valchev.

School principals will be able to offer e-learning

The recommendation to principals is to introduce online lessons primarily for students in the high school stage, less for those in high school, and only as a last resort for the youngest, first through fourth grade. However, directors of vocational schools say that it is with them that older students will be most affected by online lessons. That is why the agricultural secondary school in Sandanski will not go into digital form at the moment, although there are several classes in quarantine, and the Blagoevgrad district enters the red zone of morbidity.

However, the minister is categorical: regardless of whether you approve online or in person, the school year cannot be declared “zero.” It is during flu season that most schools are expected to temporarily switch to fully online education.

Reporters: Dobromir Nikolov, Ivomira Pehlivanova


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