“I served them for the luxury of prosecutor Geshev” – Bozhkov’s wife is released from custody after 8 months – Bulgaria


Elena Dineva is released after 8 months behind bars

© Velko Angelov

Elena Dineva is released after 8 months behind bars

Vasil Bozhkov’s wife, Elena Dineva, is released from custody with the slightest “subscription” restriction, his lawyer Lyudmil Rangelov told Dnevnik. The reason is that the maximum period of detention has passed: 8 months, no charges have yet been brought against her in court and the prosecution no longer has grounds to keep her in custody.

Dineva is still unable to leave the country.

“I have been in custody for 8 months, I made them look classic, beautiful … for the luxury of Prosecutor Geshev, for the luxury of Prime Minister Borissov. Thank you people for taking good care of me. Many people could say that it is for the rich … but in the end, the law is for everyone and one more thing I will say: and iniquity is for everyone“Dineva commented to the media upon leaving the detention center (see the video at the end of the text)

On October 6, the Special Court of Appeals changed Dineva’s bail to BGN 1 million, but she refused to pay the amount and decided to remain in custody. Dineva has been there since the end of February accused of participating in a criminal group led by Vasil Bozhkov. So far, he has appealed his arrest warrant on several occasions.

On February 20, the specialized court imposed a record bail of BGN 1.5 million upon her release, but a week later the appeals court ruled that she should be subjected to the most severe measure of “permanent detention”. Months ago, Anton, the son of Vasil Bozhkov, who is also accused of being part of an organized criminal group, was released on bail of BGN 1 million.

In the meantime The special appeal court also released lawyer Slavcho Markov from custody., who was arrested and charged with participating in a criminal group led by Bozhkov, for coercion, rape and murder. The prosecution later announced that the group had collected personal data about the magistrates and their families, photographed them and prepared profiles for them.

Markov was released due to health problems that prevented him from being detained. According to the court panel, there is a danger of committing a crime. He will be under house arrest and compliance with the measure will be monitored with an electronic bracelet.
