Draconian measures in Europe against the spread of COVID-19


Europe is imposing draconian measures and severe restrictions in an attempt to stop the spread of the coronavirus. This is happening in the context of an avalanche of morbidity and death. Those infected in Europe reached 8.2 million and deaths, almost 260,000.

Greece, Italy and France became the next countries to impose night hours, prohibiting people from leaving their homes in the dark.

“The virus is circulating faster than in the spring if we look at the trajectory of the epidemic,” said French epidemiologist Arno Fontane.

From today, the use of an outdoor mask is mandatory in Greece, and at night from 00.30 to 05.00 in the morning it is valid for Thessaloniki and Athens.

“We expect the next few months to be difficult, but because we do not want a complete lockdown, other measures are needed: smarter, more specific, more effective,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said.

There is also an evening class in Belgium, where the number of positive tests has exceeded 10,000, raising fears that hospitals will not be able to handle severe cases. Cafes, bars and restaurants are closed in the country, a ban on the sale of alcohol after 20:00 has been introduced.

“At a time when the virus is spreading everywhere, we cannot allow too many people to be together. That is why we are adopting more restrictive rules for cultural events, sports, youth, amusement parks and schools,” said the Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo.

COVID-19 IN EUROPE: In 10 days, the number of infected has doubled

Poland bans gatherings of more than five people and upper-class students move on to distance education.

“Firstly, Poland will become a red zone tomorrow. This means that all the rules for people living, working and studying in the current red zones will apply throughout the territory of the Republic of Poland,” said Mateusz Morawiecki. , Prime Minister of Poland.

Poland closes bars and restaurants

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has said more needs to be done to stop the pandemic, but has not announced the long-awaited new and strict restrictions. Instead, he called on citizens to behave responsibly.

“We want and must avoid at all costs the blockade that we live in spring. We know the sacrifices it requires and the economic and social consequences it brings. That is why we need to be disciplined and raise awareness as much as possible, “said the Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.

6 million people in the UK will be subject to restrictions. In many parts of England, including Manchester, a ban on people from different households getting together has gone into effect.

From tonight, a total lockdown of 17 days will take effect in Wales and all establishments and restaurants will be closed.


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