A large regional city closes discos and night bars, prohibits weddings and baptisms until …


By order of the regional governor Chavdar Bozhurski, from October 24 to November 2 inclusive, temporary epidemic measures are introduced in the territory of the Sliven district, announced the press center of the District Administration.

During this period, visits to discos, nightclubs and clubs and other similar indoor entertainment establishments are not allowed. Group celebrations are not allowed indoors, including weddings, baptisms and others.

Visits to indoor and outdoor cafes, restaurants, and restaurants are permitted when seating is occupied by no more than one person for every 2 square meters of net sales space.

All owners and managers of public facilities and other facilities that provide services to citizens (hospitals, pharmacies, public transport, shops, restaurants, etc.) must strengthen control over compliance with a physical distance of 1.5 meters between people . , for hand hygiene, disinfection and use of masks or other means that cover the mouth and nose.

An exception to the obligation to wear protective masks is allowed for customers in restaurants, cafes and restaurants. The daily collection of information from educational institutions on the number of students and teachers absent due to quarantine as contact persons for patients, with a positive test for COVID-19, continues.

The director of RWU-Sliven will present a proposal to the Minister of Education for the transition to distance learning in an electronic environment, for a period of 10 days, for students in grades 5 to 12 in those schools where there are more than 20 percent sick and quarantined students and teachers. .

The regional governor’s order was issued in connection with the complicated situation related to the spread of the coronavirus and the prolonged period of the epidemic emergency.

