Three subway drivers have coronavirus, and another 20 have been in contact with them and have been removed from the schedule. This was stated for Dir.bg by the head of Metropolitan Stoyan Bratoev.
“We have three drivers who have symptoms. The others who have been in contact with them have also been sent for tests. The people in question have been fired. Measures have been taken to disinfect the premises where they were. We are talking about 23, “A total of 330 people have been laid off. At the moment, the lack of these people does not confuse the work schedule. If there are more, we will think. At the moment we are doing well. We have enough drivers,” he added.
“Employees are detected, but not in one place. There is a place in the warehouse where 7 to 8 people sleep at night. There is a resting place where several people can rest. But these rooms are disinfected,” he explained Bratoev.
The infection is believed to come from outside.
Those that are in quarantine are currently being tested, but all controllers will pass PCR testing.