Important message from Billa, Kaufland, Lidl, Mr. Bricolage and T Market for the new measures



In connection with the increasing number of people infected with Covid-19 in Bulgaria, the members of the Association for Modern Trade (CMT) – Billa, Deichmann, dm, Kaufland, Lidl, Mr. Bricolage, ProMarket, T Market, Avanti , Fantastico and Hipoland call for strict compliance with the measures taken against the spread of the virus, which the retail chains are implementing responsibly. This will ensure the health and safety of both the people who shop at large retailers and your employees.

Retail chains urge customers to follow safety instructions in prominent locations when visiting stores; use personal disinfectants located at the entrances of the sites; make sure you have protective masks, otherwise they will not be allowed in; follow the instructions of the security agents and, if necessary, wait patiently at the entrance to avoid crowds; observe the specified directions of movement and the distance of at least 1.5 meters from other customers both when shopping and waiting at the checkout; if possible, pay with bank cards instead of cash; do not go shopping if you feel ill or have flu-like symptoms.

SMT members have provided: disinfectants for visitors; access regime to ensure the optimal number of customers in stores; personal protective equipment for employees: masks, gloves and helmets; cash registers and in direct customer service sectors such as meat and dairy stands, hot meals and delicacies. Complete disinfection of the commerce, cash and storage areas, shopping carts and baskets is carried out at least twice a day.

Regular briefings and inspections are held on compliance with health authorities’ prescriptions, employees with flu-like symptoms are closely monitored, and some companies have introduced PCR testing and segregation of people in headquarters and logistics centers in teams.

In the implementation of security measures, the main retailers in our country continue to work closely with the Ministries of Economy and Health and other key representatives of the state administration. Even before the first case of Covid-19 infection was recorded in Bulgaria, a working group was formed, which included the Minister and the Deputy Minister for the Economy and Management of Large Retail Chains, and at a later stage the Minister joined. of health. and members of your team.

During the quarantine period, relevant information was exchanged 24 hours a day, potential risks to food supplies were discussed, and cases were resolved in a timely manner. Thanks to this effective partnership and especially the support of the then Deputy Minister and current Minister of Economy, Mr. Lachezar Borisov, there was no food crisis in Bulgaria, and the store shelves were filled not only with basic necessities, but and with everyone else. products most sought after by Bulgarians.

In the current situation of increasing numbers of infected, distribution chains declare themselves willing to continue close collaboration with state and local administrations, based on good practices that have proven their effectiveness. It is beneficial for Bulgarian consumers that any security measures in retail trade are coordinated with the industry. For example, setting the maximum number of customers allowed in stores, regardless of their area, must be consistent with the commercial area of ​​the different sites, which varies from 100 square meters to more than 5,000 square meters.

In the absence of a differentiated approach, some of the stores will be overcrowded and others will remain half empty. In this case, it would be good practice to determine the number of customers based on the area of ​​the store, for example 1 customer for every 10 square meters. To effectively implement the measures, it would be beneficial if the standardized and centralized rules introduced were applied locally without interpretation, to avoid chaos in the system and hamper trade in entire regions.

SMT members reiterate their willingness to maintain the spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance in dialogue with institutions for the implementation of measures against the spread of Covid-19 and once again call for patience and discipline in visits to stores so that all customers in our country can buy with peace of mind and with the maximum security for their health.
