Prepare a national plan to prepare for an influenza pandemic – Topics in development


TO Within a month, the Council of Ministers should update and implement the National Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria for Preparedness for an Influenza Pandemic, Parliament decided. The decision was adopted by 170 votes to 0 and 1 abstention.

The proposal to update the plan was made by the BSP for Bulgaria, which also initiated discussions on the issue with Health Minister Kostadin Angelov in relation to the government’s policy on the epidemic emergency situation related to COVID-19.

GERB supported the decision on the plan in the event of a flu pandemic, although, according to them, it has nothing to do with the subject of the question: the crisis with COVID-19. BSP noted that the national influenza pandemic plan could target any respiratory infection.

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“I don’t know what realistic plan we are talking about COVID-19 and for what respiratory infection, I suggest that we cling and cling only to science. In this sense, influenza and COVID-19 are different diseases that have nothing in common, ”said Health Minister Kostadin Angelov during the parliamentary debate.

He stressed that there is a clearly and precisely described three-drug treatment for influenza, but there is no cure for COVID-19 in the world. There is a flu vaccine, for COVID-19; no, what a realistic plan are you talking about when there are so many unknown things about COVID-19, the minister commented. According to him, to have a plan, there must be clear facts proven in medical science.

“Therefore, I think it is impossible to make a plan similar to the pandemic flu, which is based on real scientific facts,” Angelov was categorical.

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According to him, the national action plan in the event of an influenza epidemic can be updated.

“I firmly assure you that all planned and applicable activities in the national pandemic plan can and are being implemented where possible, but it is only for pandemic influenza,” said the Minister of Health.

Kostadin Angelov added that at the moment there is no flu in our country, it is expected in November and December, and the peaks, January-February.

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Comments in parliament

The president of the General Assembly of the GERB, Daniela Daritkova, said that they accept the calls to consolidate the nation and will support the draft decision, although it has nothing to do with the issue.

“There is nothing in common between the flu virus and the coronavirus,” he said, pointing to elements of a plan for a flu pandemic. “We must be ready to react and respond,” said Daritkova. “I understand your bias towards the planned economy, but at the same time the situation and the challenge of the coronavirus required us all to be extremely creative and reactive,” he told BSP.

Georgi Mihailov / “BSP for Bulgaria” / commented that he accepts the disposition of GERB to support the proposal of the left.

“We are not only in favor of a planned economy, but of having a plan that is realistic,” he said, adding that the national plan against the influenza pandemic could target any respiratory infection with appropriate amendments. we take the floor, but the principle that there should be a unified crisis management, “added Mihailov.

Nigar Jaffer (MRF) pointed out that today’s debate should take place on this aspect: whether Bulgaria is properly managing the crisis it is in.

“The system is overheating, people are exhausted,” he said. Jaffer raised the question of what the functions of the national logistics headquarters will be and how funding will be specified.

“What people hope is that the question will be answered as to why in seven patients, even asymptomatic, the state was closed, and in 1,300, which is what the information system reports every day, the measures seem much more liberals, “he said.

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Kalin Popovski / “United Patriots” / pointed out that today we will pass 30,000 infected and for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic there will be more than 1,500 people in Bulgarian hospitals. He pointed to the increasing number of patients on controlled ventilation and also the alarming number of infected medical professionals, about five percent of the total number of infected.

“That is to say, it means that strictly anti-epidemic measures are not implemented in the Bulgarian health institutions in the prehospital and in the hospital activity,” Popovski said. He recommended to the Minister of Health to carefully observe anti-epidemic and disinfection measures, especially in operating rooms and handling rooms.

Boryana Georgieva / “Will-Bulgarian Patriots” / pointed out that everyone should protect both the health and social systems, but very important, and at the same time seems to remain in the background, is the educational system. He called for a strict control of all the measures imposed.

“But most importantly: don’t issue contradictory orders, without logic, because if people’s trust is lost, we won’t be able to do it this time,” Georgieva said.
